
Yes, that’s exactly what I meant by “idiots”. LOL

In my youth, I worked for and with many funeral homes in the Orlando area. Never heard of anyone turning down legitimate paying customers for ANY reason. I was in it when AIDS became a diagnosis on death certificates. Yes, I’m THAT old.

Hmmm... Retired recently and wondering if playing on Twitch streams could supplement income a bit. I have been trying to come up with a non physically demanding home job for a few months. Methinks research is in order. Even part time to pay our ISP bill would be great. We tend to like less popular, quirky games.

Welcome To Earth: The Florida trailer park of the universe.

We have trust and control issues. No way would we ship an animal. We’re weird that way.

I like to think of us as an elaborate zoo exhibit for aliens. Monkey tribes fighting one another, flinging our own fecal matter at each other. Even if spacefaring aliens decide to visit our quaint little exhibit, they stay far enough away from our cage that they don’t get monkey poop on them.

Entertainment like in target shooting. Think Duck Hunt.


Offensive BBC photo:

I can see that the USA has rubbed off onto Canada. :-\

Star for you. I loved the old V series. Sexy lizards with big hair.

“I, a White”? Seriously?  We’re pink, not white. Dude sounds like he is in South Africa fifty years ago. Geeze.

You’re assuming that everyone has 20/20 vision. I would benefit greatly from having a 70 foot screen as would others. Prior to retirement last year, I had three 24 inch monitors hooked up to my desktop PC at work. I had to enlarge everything in every program, including OS fonts and colors to adjust as much as possible

One of the most important things I’ve learned from watching all the Star Treks is that NEBULAS ARE ALWAYS BAD.

LOL!!! Also, “Brain, brain ! What is brain???”

I’ve actually blocked a male doctor from exiting my wife’s hospital room so she could ask a question. You cannot think and speak nearly as quickly when you’re gorked on heavy pain meds after surgery.

I was heartbroken a few months ago when I received a form letter indicating that my urologist had left the practice he was in. He actually listened to the patient! Four lithotripsy episodes and I trust the dude. He’s pleasant enough and my a wife drools over him while I suffer. He looks like a mature soap opera

Or a transvaginal ultrasound.

First, never name a new TV show so that the initials of the title spell STD.  NEVER DO THAT.

Dang it. Now I have to get rid of a mountain of t-shirts.