
This kid is a born hacker. MI-6 should start training him now.

As to the cost, I cannot speak for that specific area, but moving to the house in the woods means that we have a volunteer fire department. Big change for us from living in the city limits of Orlando with well paid, full time professional firefighters that have a union, health insurance and pension benefits.

Just remember, if you chop us off, the crazies and flakkaheads in the other states won’t have a place to trickle down into. We’re kinda the place where the hair, used bandaids and other icky crud collects in the shower drain.

At least he will get a cool nickname out of it.

Hey, now, stop insulting Florida Man.

I volunteer to be the host of the show. One catch though. I get to use my William Shatner Rescue 911 voice. We can do reenactments of the ones not caught on someone’s cellphone. Maybe occasionally do a Florida Woman special.

Then we can have clean wars just like on STTOS. Get declared a casualty, report to disintegration chamber. Neato!


Mrs. Wookie recently bought me a lovely maul. I named it Darth, of course. Sledge head on one side and axe type head on the opposite. Less than 20 bucks on sale at Walmart. I’ve got a stack of old drives to kill. It’s CLOBBERIN’ TIME !!!

Thanks! Now I understand why I hate carrots so much.

Yes, we purposely bought the previous year’s model to save a couple bucks on a bigger screen. It’s a D70 dash something something I think. I’m extremely nearsighted, so we buy larger screens than most folks. Our old beast that we sold before moving was an 82 inch Mitsubishi DLP. That one we had bought six or

Don’t people know what the fricking trunk is for?

Besides, the NSA has a good backup of the missing laptop hard drive. :-)

Leslie Nielsen, we miss you.

Yes. Turn him into LegoFlash.

Especially when Bat isn’t 100 percent sure if will be a fart.

That’s what you get when you cast Tim Curry as Aquaman. Fish Curry.

Cue Vinnie Barbarino saying “I’m so confused!”.

Atom is checking out Supergirl’s butt.

And his sidekick, Iron Butterfly.