
Seen on video loop inside local government building:

You’re so correct. Earthlings are indeed the Daleks of the universe. Exterminate!

It’s going to take a while to develop. I’m waiting until xbox8 is released with Halo 27 to be digitally interfaced.

Im anxiously awaiting the technology for dream recording to be created. My dreams are better than any movie ever made. I will make millions selling dreavies.

Instead of a ball, can you make that a tribble?

I’m so glad that we (well, Trump anyhow) amuse you Brits. Trump pretty much is offensive to us all. Trump is like someone sneaking a silent but deadly fart in a stuck elevator full of people. You can do nothing but hold your breath until you die, while praying that it will be over soon.

Yes. I do recognize that particular stance and gait.

Sassy? Or sissy? ;)

Have no fear. I intend to send a T-8000 Terminator from the future back to kill the guy that designs and builds the first robot- repair robot before he designs it. The R.R.R. is the tipping point where things began to go downhill for us mearbags.

Can’t we just mount one of those multi gigawatt military laser cannons on The Turdinator? Surely that would vaporize the poo piles.

Poor dude. Looks like he has a migraine. That’s what happens when you hang around humans too much.

I don’t play online due to me being old, blind and slow. I don’t have the eyes or the reflexes for it. However, Mrs. Wookie is another story. We just recently renewed our XB gold membership, since she does enjoy playing some online Halo. I enjoy watching her play online sometimes. Most of the time she makes sure the

Well, I sort of agree in a twisted way with Trump. Us intelligentsia types invented football, other contact sports, and auto racing as a long term, perpetual means of keeping the gene pool clean. Otherwise the jocks would take over. Those wing suits, bungie jumping, base jumping and the Go-Pro cameras? Yeah, we

If that gif doesn’t represent the Love Of A Good Woman then I don’t know what Love is. Mulder and Scully Forever!

Chased by the wind? Only the day after eating a Taco Bell bean burrito for dinner.

We are retiring in 2016 to a rural area with lots of trees to break up the zombie hordes, confuse the aliens, and generally keep people away from us. Mrs. Wookie will be learning how to handle guns. And a machete. And a big knife. And a screwdriver. Even if it’s just a governmental collapse apocalypse, we at least

But what about the EYEborgs???

I understand. My late second wife absolutely couldn’t stand ANY Groundhog Day themed movies.

‘Zackly! One title comes to mind: