
Sometimes Dr. Phil drives down the road to looneytown, but he is dead on with this one. I find that he is pretty darn good with relationships analysis, but when he gets into medical stuff he is out of his knowledge base.

I want mine painted so that it looks like I am T. Rex while wearing it.

You guarantee ? My gosh. Do they not teach the Great Depression in History class any more ? Forget that little mortgage industry fiasco ?

"It slices ! It dices ! It even makes Julienned fries ! It's the exciting new Catz-O-Madic !!!" ......Well, a lynx IS a type of cat, so I can sort of see the naming, but it doesn't look at all like a cat..............I guess the name "SuperDeluxeMultiPlatformSwissArmyHandCramperMaster" was already copyrighted by

Yo. Down here in Hurricane World, most of us keep a gasoline powered backup cell phone charger in the driveway. Works great when the electric is out for a week or so. It also serves as a temporary backup air conditioning salon when power is out for days. ;)

Forgot all this expensive fancy stuff. Want a nonlethal enemy demoralizer/immobilizer ? Dump Ex-Lax into their water supplies. Safe and effective I heard. ;)

My thoughts exactly. Humanity doesn't suck 100 percent of the time after all. There is so much that I take for granted every day. I'm an unathletic lump of nearsighted couchmeat, but I can put on my own jacket and wipe my own butt. This is the beginning of a truly amazing age to live in. The human body and brain is

The line was uttered by one of the Marines as a taunt/trash talk directed at the Elites and Grunts that were nearby at the time. I can't remember WHICH Halo I heard it in. I think it's possibly an easter egg type of thing triggered by certain actions during my game play. It was not in a cutscene. I have also heard a

How many Generals does it take to click on one funny cat video to show Fearless Leader ? None - their tablets really are tablets, you know, like in made of paper. You can't click with a pencil and paper in your hands. The video will never open.

Those wierd shadows on the wall are not shadows. Those are nuclear blast human body outlines from last weeks indoor test. It did not go so well for the Big Hat Club.

LOLcats videos ????

Those hats are so big and goofy, they could have been used in ST TOS as alien clueless guard hats.

Ditto. Be polite, courteous, honest, remorseful and allow the nice officer to be in charge. Promise never to do it again. I live in Florida - officers REALLY do not want to stand around or sit idling in the car in the full sun most of the year here. A couple things to ALWAYS keep in mind is that cops mostly have

It depends on the workplace environment that you happen to be living in at the time. I tend to do my loud grieving at home and have used focusing on work as a necessary distraction to help me make it through the day. The people I work around are kind and concerned about each others' well being for the most part. I

Jolene Blalock (subcommander T'Pol from Enterprise) as Captain Lola Beck. Plus Casper Van Dien back as Rico. And yes, a little nudity thrown in as always. Goofy storyline, weird alien things, gore and Bugs galore. Just as awesome as ST1 and ST2. All three of the movies possess their own unique flavor. I bought

The Echo is an interesting concept. I like the concept, and I can envision many possibilities for such devices to be tuned to specialized fields.

In a year's time, L33t #axx0rZ will have cracked this device, added changed the OS to a more standard Linux distro, and changed the voice to Cortana from the Halo video games. And Cortana will refer to me as "Master Chief". Call me then. ;) Until that time, I am teaching myself how to speak Xbox One language.

Ha ! I just watched Nightbreed DirCut this weekend ! Truly bizarre and awesome. i knew I was in for something special when I saw Clive Barker's name in the opening credits.

Ooohhhh Excellent idea !!! loved both of those.

The alien and the Bomb in Dark Star sort of stole the show from the humans.