
Hey ! That was NOT a bad episode. I loved me some Tadpole Troi !

Dangit. Thanks! I was trying to remember that line the other day. I't appropriate for SO many things.

Can I place an order now for the Lucy Liu-bot Efficiency Expert model? I'm sure you know exactly which one I am referring to.

Well, duh. Snorting = Bad.

Waddaya mean "sometimes" ? LOL I'm in FLORIDA !!!

Well, it hasn't fallen back off yet. But it binds a bit. Every month I have to re-soap the door edge and door frame. It'll do until I can afford to get my Chief Engineer to look at it.

Dang. Everyone is going to be in that. Much love for Lance, remember Millennium ? Adrienne Barbeau ? I didn't know she was even still alive - another one of my faves from back in the day. That film will be awesome.

Mind if I use that curse ? Is it copyrighted ? It's much better than my usual curses.

I truly believe that if my wife and I were in an elevator with Angelina, that we would just melt into a puddle of goo on the elevator floor from basking in her beauteousness and overall awesomeness. I wish more ungodly rich folks would emulate the Pitt-Jolie example.

Now, I love me some Trancer movies. Tim Thomerson is highly underrated.

My expensive electronics all would be in the car with me. I lack trust. Only thing any movers would touch would be my ridiculously huge TV. The Monsterbishi just won't fit in our tiny car no matter how hard I try. Rest assured I would document it's functionality and condition ahead of time.

I never read any of the comics. Don't intend to. Based on the trailer, though, I might just climb out of my wormhole and go see this on the big screen at the actual theater. Maybe. Besides, it's got Zoe.

Silly me. I thought fetlife had something to do with fetishes. Didn't know it was a sex hookup site.

And kick one's buttocks at Halo Slayer.

And some of the dudes that prefer fat chicks are HOT dudes. That's what really bothers the Aholio.

May the Lord bless and keep my current boss and his family from harm. May he live long and prosper. That Is all.

why are that man's eyebrows halfway up his forehead?

China can do it. How ? No O.S.H.A. regulations to worry about. Plenty of disposable workers. Plenty of replacement workers for the disposable workers.

Are we related somehow? ;)

Can we get the Boston Dynamics robot to throw some concrete blocks to it ? Cause that would be fun. I also noted that they didn't throw a raw egg for it to catch.