
Yes. I know I've watched it before, but I sure don't remember much of it. Time to chek netflix for it. My wife will watch anything Bruce Willis.

Yup. I liked the scifi channel many years ago when it was new. I agree that it has morphed into something not nearly as wonderful as it was.

Crap. I never watched it, although a fantasy reading/watching friend recommended it. I'm more of a scifi watcher. But I didn't realize it had DeNiro and Pfeiffer. I have to watch it now just to see if Michelle Pfeiffer user her tongue.

Yep. Thats what it made me think of.

Can I get my Krusty Burger with Tomacco slices on it ??????

I'll vote for him.

Yes. And non-alcoholic liver disease, AIDS, and heart disease. God, I have lost so many people a and I am only 52 years old.

AAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnd perhaps this is why jocks are stereotyped as big and dumb perhaps ? If they have any working brain cells to begin with, football will kill those few off.

The Klingon Kleavage is there to make you forget about the lack of a Klingon Dental Plan.

Yeah. I was wondering if it could do an outside loop. Can't remember if that was Airwolf or Blue Thunder.

Warning: I tend to make up my own words frequently.

Thanks! I am sure there are some yewts out there that are not familiar with Miss Swan.

Dude, LOVE your pseudonym.

That's exactly what I was thinking. Also, my observation of life in general is that the higher a person's IQ is, the less common sense they possess. This dude must have a pretty high IQ to not turn off the particle accelerator before mechanicing on it.

Must have gone to the Miss Swan School Of Driving.

Everyone is different, your genetics is a crapshoot. Keep trying until you find out what works for YOU.

Must have been one of those Steel-Core trees that board came from.

Jeff the Killer? Please. My good dreams are creepier than that. Besides, any idjit that carries a GALLON of ACID to clean the bathtub deserves to wear it.

Thank you. Science Fiction is FICTION.

Ummm.....you gonna need to perfect the warp core first, to generate the power needed for teleportation.