war is not the answer
war is not the answer
people put their real birthdates on fb?
@UofITom: my 7yo kid thinks it's unspeakably tragic that in ye olden dayes you hadto talk on a phone that was connected to the wall
@zjgz: laser disc: one of the shorter lived temporary adaptations in the evolution of gadgets
8-track. beta. wordperfect. wang.
@seriousam7: i'm glad you got out
@GREGORYABUTLER10031: yes, +++++
@djdare: @Self_Destructo_2000: word
@Moozipar: @ad7863: there would be crime, but it would be more admin crime than killing/gangs
@Kaiser-Machead v.2.4: hawtttt
@shan164: noted
@strobedream: worked for booze
@djdare: and fire all the corrections officers
@Self_Destructo_2000: try again ... and let's have a price war ... and close half the jails
@samplesize: oil, too
@MrsTelsa: @achilleselbow: and republicans
@jmckee: @Moses Hightower: shade grown
@achilleselbow: usa! usa!
legalize it, and tax the shit out of it?
@pjcard: usually, but there's a ton of literature about the phantom pain amputees feel ... so i imagined every connection left in that dog's brain screaming