
Marvel could easily do the same with the lesser-known female characters in its canon? Why don't they?

How did the Wolverine movies do at the box office. That will be the answer to your question.

Why are the majority of superhero movie leads white males?

Racist Statement: "I find the prevalence of white characters in media to be a huge problem and one I'd like to fix." - CarolineS

Above, a trash notion.

The audience is deeply invested in the ethnicity and the gender of the lead character, it's upon that interest the network makes its business decision. I'm not asserting that there's something wrong with such a symbiotic relationship, I'm simply seeing it for what it is.

It's clearly no secret that the entertainment industry leans to the left, it is what it is. During earlier years programing slanted to the right, that's readily apparent in earlier programming. That being said, I'm not sure why any reasonable person would discount the idea that the socio-political outlook of those in

I disagree. There is a symbiotic relationship between the audience and the network. The network is keeping the show on the air based upon an audience specifically invested in supporting a minority presence onscreen. While the network might not care about the particular reasons the audience is maintaining the program,

I disagree. I think Mindy's ethnicity and gender is very important to her viewers. Not that there's anything particularly wrong with such a notion, it's just true.

There was nothing particularly racist about my comment.

Hey, thanks! You rock.

The Mindy Project is flat, almost humorless. The actors seem to constantly be asking, "Wouldn't it be funny if this or that were actually funny?"

Chup, chups. Right?

Why did you agree?

Not only is she powerful and fast but she's smarter too. More empowered and fierce than any other dinosaur, ever. She is Misandrysaurous Sex. While devouring men, hear her roar.


"Progressives" don't care about the truth.

What's the exact street address of the superintendent's building?

Headline photo, why the tacky trout pout? I don't understand…

Hey, let's finish this discussion at your current street address. What is it? Also, what is the pin code for your ATM card? I'll need that too.