
Good, nobody should.

He is undeserving of payment for services rendered.

F*** that, and you. She rocks.


And an explanation of the first amendment does not explain away what may clearly be defamation. And.


Good Lord! Lordy, Lord, Lord…Buress' delivery, is shite.


Right on.

I worked in a major comedy club for several years and occurrences of this nature are rare, not the foundation of standup.

You didn't explain it very clearly. You mentioned kings, slavery, the 1920's, inflation, The Great Depression, single moms, and unfairness. None of those things really explains why the skills of bagging groceries or stocking shelves should be valued at "living wage" rates when they never before have been.

Showing up from 9 - 5 is only part of the equation. The skill employed during those hours is the biggest determining factor in terms of wages. Wages are earned in trade for skills. The value of a skill is dependent upon numerous factors, the big one being specialization. If almost anyone can do a job without much

If they all became doctors then the skill of doctoring would trade at an extremely low wage. Specialization, it matters much.

The skill of bagging items and stocking shelves isn't worth a living wage.

You veered off in the wrong direction because of your bias towards women, and Silverman in particular. You should step back and dispassionately reassess your perspective. Your initial assessment is off base, completely.

True that, bruh. Way of the world…

Her physical appearance purchases my attention wherein her comedy does not. That is to say, her sexual attractiveness compensates for the lack of value I find in her comedy.

Her voice is grinding, her delivery is obvious, her material is unoriginal. She represents female liberation expressed in crass, unintelligent jokes.

Grey's is one of the very worst shows to ever to be popular, and regardless of popularity it's simply a rotten program.