
Man, the author of this article is doing nothing but further racial tensions by slinging mud and massively generalizing an entire group of people.

I drove a friend’s 2012 with the Polestar tune. Not bad at all.

I agree with you both. Looking at you too YALE70.
I greatly lust for a C30 Polestar.

For that price I expect at least a 6-pack of wife beaterz.

Totally agree. Honda and Mazda used to do great things when they just slapped a long roof on their mainstream sedans.

For your consideration...

A Mazda?

They also mercilessly teased us with this breathtaking Ciel

Frameless doors.... remember when we could have them? I’ll be out on the porch cussing out clouds...

Yeah. To be fair, I’d have an easier time with the styling if the name wasn’t trying so hard. Only way it could be worse if it had the ubiquitous z... AeroWagenz. I just love wagons and this isn’t helping.

I like it!
Its still not this though. I want everything in this picture and i want it yesterday.
Edit: It’s brown, sexy and a shooting brake. All your stars are belong to me.

That’s a lot of bullshit to say you don’t want to pay for entertainment. Just say “I’m a cheap ass and don’t want to pay for entertainment.” Simple.

Getting bad enough that they have started to look to import sand to counter all the erosion.