
*ignores contract.

It looks like somone 3D printed a pixar truck.

I love the AMX. Hands down this car is one of the most beautiful cars I’ve ever seen. If not my new favorite.

This exact thing happened to me. Also happened to my friend in their 08. As of now I’ll never own another. Out of warrenty by just a hand full of miles. Multiple dealers didn’t want to do anything for me.. first it was the ringlanfs then it spun a bearing. I ended up losing 10k after the rebuilds. Finally sold the car

Pretty sure that’s a lambo

The chevy. Before and after it got a Hitler stache

I see where they’re coming from but what about factoring In the engine oil and what it takes to produce? Not to mention a car will require alot of it over it’s life.

That’s your pick? You must have a lazy eye.

This is what iv’e been saying for a couple years. Here in oregon its the same story. They’re Hilariously overpriced. Bar of gold in the glove box. For their price i’d rather struggle to park a diesel. I wanted to buy one for awhile but i just cant logically purchase one. My mind says you could have (insert plethora of

Well you all have covered the head gaskets. I’m glad to see the ringlands will hold on this model too.

This. With all the increased (idiot) traffic and dense infrastructure trucking has never been more difficult. Not mention wages have been quite stagnant.

I’m in Spokane WA right now. The place is over run with beautiful cars from Porsche. It’s the PCA Porsche parade this week (9th-15th) its amazing.

Are you guys visiting the Porsche club of America event that is happening this weekend in Spokane Washington? Our hotel parking garage is full them. I was losing my mind parking our feeble company focus 1 liter turbo.

Just imagine hearing the​ bloody wail of that engine!

After putting lots of time and money into it. I sold my 350Z and bought an STi. Though the Z was slower and smaller. I miss everything about it. I really enjoyed that Z.

Also business idea. Let’s start selling car covers with cars printed on them

No, simple. It’s not yours.

Looks like i came here to say the same as others,  Toyota/Lexus starters under the intake manifold. The Audi timing chain pressed against the firewall. Last but not least the clutch in an F40.

Came here to say this. Button fly shrink to fit. There can only be one. Its 501.

Came here to say this. Button fly shrink to fit. There can only be one. Its 501.

I had a STi for awhile the evo beats it 9 ways to sunday aside from price. BUT. They are both great fun to drive. I just got tired of issue after issue.