
We have had this kind of theatres for a year and a half in México.. is only one in each complex, and they let the kids play 15 min before the movie, they shut the lights,  then the movie has a 15 min intermission at the middle and then they shut the lights again.. it does not has many complaints, and seems to work.

I think they will, no one wants to hear that they are dumber than Peña Nieto (it´s my president so.. I know he is faaaaar from being brilliant)

Is Trump aware that the US does not produce Coffee? and most of the coffee all you drink comes from México or Latin America? (Is also from Asian -Pacific Countries but is a lot more expensive and exculsive) I know we export a lot of produce for you guys but as I worked as a barista a lot of years, I just keep

MAAAAAAAAAAAAARK!!!!! OMG!!! I am so stupidly happy to read you here!!

As a Gemini, a part of me wants to apologize but another, I don´t know... it.. now kind of makes sense.. damn.
... he is one of the bad Geminis out there right? we all are not.. so much like that... right?


I come with grim news, is a huge red flag for a president, this happened to us when Enrique Peña Nieto was a presidential candidate:

*sad brofist* Well... in México we have an ex-telenovela actress that spends all our tax money in properties that are more expensive than the new Obama home and clothes that not even the Queen would spend on so, sadly I think that will be the path for Melania, I haven´t stopped saying that, you now have a President

As a Mexican.. everytime I heard someone telling something like this I am so, so surprised that we have a (very faulty and not magical but useful) national health care and a lot of the people in the US is aganist one... is like.. WHY? we still have private hospitals, and I barely use it (the payment for it is like $40

I am starting to doubt that the Rapture really happened and we were left behind.

Nope, really, nope, we had a 25% gas price raise last week, and there is a lot of chaos now here, and we a trying to fix our country. Sorry, now we could not care less about Trump´s stupid wall ¬¬.

OMG D: I did not knew about the cheeseee!!! I am planing to get pregnant this year... OMG the cheeseeee and the salamiiii OMG D:

It´s the most heartbreaking sound ever, my grandma made it when my uncle passed away.. I still remember it :(

Fisher leaves behind her beloved French bulldog, Gary. 

There was a Bowie exposition in my town with pictures that Duffy the photographer took (the famous with the lightning included) I am giving my sister (a very cool photographer) the book from the expo :)

In spanish “Dad” is Papá for “father” we use Padre, but, the normal one is always Papá

As a former barista... as they are seeing you all the time.. maybe not spit buuut whole milk instead of 1% or if they are really, reaaaaaally rude (I swear I did this only once and the lady screamed at me and thowed me her other coffee and burned my hand a little) maybe.. gross water from the wand cleaning wipes.

Even in México we all have an ID to vote, more exactly is an “election card” that we use as a regular ID.