
and everyone asks for it T_T I love doing Cream cheseebuttercream cakes and try to not make the fondant inedible (homemade marshmallow to make marshmallow fondant) but even so, buttercream is a lot more tasty!!!

(._. ) My friends took the cake home and ate it... My husband did not ate any of it. I thougth they had save it and we would eat it the week after the wedding.

I am not sure o.o I think my husband ordered them from amazon.

I am a baker... so .__. I did not wanted anyone to make my cake and I made it (small cake and 150 cupcakes )because everything could go wrong in the wedding except the cake XD , everyone told me I was crazy but, it was ok at the end and as I told everybody I was so focused on the cake and dessert bar that I was not

I had bridemaids too but... as I have a lot more guy friends they became bridedudes xD and they wore a pink tie :D

._. It’s so strange to see some things are better as a standard (vacations, health care) in México comparing to the U.S. I have always thought it was the same or better there.

I haaaate it too!!! :( I am alergic to sun and live in méxico .

I have no words, I am so sorry and can only send you a very big hug and a cute pug.

I go for a walk or bake bread ._. As i have to wait to eat it because it needs to rise I can do nothing and feel I am doing something useful at the same time... It’s weird but works and at the end you have something tasty to eat. :)

Thanks for the information, I thought it sounded weird but I am a little smarter now :)

XD My ex is my best friend and I had 10 years with my husband when we got married, so he was very happy and danced with me at the wedding.

(._. ) I looove Elizabethtown, it helped me with depresion.

(._. ) maybe its because I am hormonal today.. but the video almost made me cry, she looks so happy!!! :´)

My lungs hated it too, but :) slow down a little so they can match your feet speed, also I don’t know it this work for everybody but on the first miles I use a face mask (._. Not native english speakers but the things doctost and sick people use) and it makes my lungs not hurt.

^^^ this xD before the vows I have a suffering face in the photos, because i did not wanted to cry, choked and talked slowly , didn’t cry and I smiled the rest of the ceremony.

I cried dancing with my dad, he started crying an I could not stop :’) my husband cried dancing with his mom, we are very close to our families :).

:) just to say that your dirtbags are my favorites!!! XD some wednesday you should do tabloids it would be awesome.

I looove those movies :D

Older millenial here too... I have friends with more than 8, friends with 2 or 3 and... 2 friends and I with ... 1 so maybe even there are people with 25 xD boring people like me lower the average. (Long loong relationship, married now but did not wait until marriage)