


I am at 10 hrs and loving it, yes the puzzles are easier than the other Layton´s Games but, really I don´t care and LOVE the english voices. :P

One of my friends broke up with his 9 year girlfriend a year ago , she had already someone waiting for her, he dated 3 or 4 girls (I tried to set him up with 2) with no results.

"Does it mean there is no fat, or does it mean I don't have to pay for the fat?"

Sorry for your loss :(.

In Mexico we use something like this:

If drunk women who have sex are able to claim "rape," why aren't drunk men alleviated of responsibility for the poor decisions they make?

(._. ) Cosplay. Me wearing.. He wearing or both.

Tomorrow's my last day at Jez, y'all! Second-to-last Lindy West Dirt Bag ever! IT HAS BEEN AN HONOR AND A PLEASURE. :((((((

I had totally forgotten about that!!! ;_;

:( This is a very sad day. She will be missed after I saw her documentary I really gained a lot of respect for her.

I just pre-ordered her book!!! *O*

I really enjoy Sansa chapters too, they are like a rest, a familiar stop after being confused with who is everybody else in some chapters (specially in a Feast for Crows). Aaaand I really like her a looot more in the books.

WOOOW. My love for her got bigger twice in the same post!!!! *O*

I would have love someone (famous or not) told those words to my 13 year old self.

(._. ) you can have a million of innapropiate jokes at work (I work at IT and well there are a lot of dick jokes, and potty humor and I laugh about it almost all the time), but there are boundaries, rape is one of them, why is so hard to understand?!

I had to watch the bride walk down the aisle to the theme of Legend of Zelda! UGH,

:c I would love to receive a Halloween card!!! Sounds like the best tradition EVEEEER!!!