also used to thwart Indiana Joneses
also used to thwart Indiana Joneses
Tron Tampon
@gebinsk: tri-band-aids
i can see this kind of technology getting racist...
@ToonLink97: they should release swarms of those into the gulf coast.
@junior ghoul: ... also when they use a lot of curse words. i think thats considered hardcore too.
that box is definitely NOT from 1998.... somebody's gonna get fired.
can't they just make ONE tablet with your choice of OS?
the iphone 4 is going to miami!
@Time Pilot AKA: i wish i had some unstarred way to promote this comment.
this makes me want to puke.
@Mike: they should just make giant dildo stations on the side of the street like this.
@Vakarian: and where are we gonna drill to mine all of this electricity?!
i can imagine the next generation of iphones to have the same body as an iphone 4, but come in an assortment of colors like this. then people will still throw away their current iphone 4s, and buy the new colorful ones. then colorware them.
yes!!! i love colorware! before my iphone 4, i had a 32GB white iphone 3gs that i colorwared black. then i got a black incase slider case for it. shit was da bomb.
@Lord_Data: yup, its the screen. better quality, better touch response. those are biggies.
@Ozzie, The Banana Man Fan: followed by, "isn't that just amazing?"
iPhone 4. This changes everything. Again. Especially the way you hold phones.
is that HDMI out? it'd be sweet if this had HDMI in, so that i could connect my PS3 to the laptop screen to play 3D PS3 games. instead of buying this AND a 3D TV.
GET TO THE (fleshlight) CHOPPA!!!!!!