Pony Stark

this "bat hook" is "only for trained Special Operations soldiers".... like Batman?

museum employee: sir, please get off the ground. you're an adult



i would have thought this was weird if it wasn't in alaska.

@PinballFan: lets go into business together. we can sell our wraps for $9 and run these guys out of business.

did they ever think of putting a giant screen on the bottom and clear keys on top of it. that way they only have to manufacture one screen instead of a bunch of tiny screens

i thought we were buddies with the Russians now. what were they attempting to get out us with these spies? wasn't the US president and the Russian president chilling at the G-8 a couple days ago?

Comcast (and other cable providers) should accept this, and re-sell it as a feature like On Demand. I'd rather pay Comcast an extra $10 a month on my cable bill for Hulu service than have to pay another new bill to Hulu.

@LukeDukem: judging by that picture, you were also in CSI: Miami

if you dont wait 15 seconds, it'll taste like Coke.

how do we know that these Steve Jobs emails are really from him?

does that mean someone can make a random site called www.gizmodo.xxx now?

@pixelsnader: u forgot the much lamer www.icecube.xxx

stuff breaks. get over it and get a case.

The Apple Hovercar will be released in 2022. However, the first two generations of it will only allow you to hover from your driveway to the street

one time a Fed-Ex guy pooped on my package.