Ponsonby Britt

The most brutal thing in the episode is when Bojack tells Sarah Lynn’s mom and stepdad that she ODed, and Sarah Lynn’s mom is like “it’s my fault, I was a bad mother,” and her stepdad is like “it’s no one’s fault.”

It’s brutal, because he molested her as a kid and he’s the main person whose fault it is.

Jacqueline had sex with a ghost in an episode of Kimmy Schmidt.

The Bad Place shouldn’t exist in any of the moral senses the show has brought up, though. If you look at it from the perspective of the point system, the points are based on a basically utilitarian premise - the moral value of an action comes from its effect on other people. (Giving roses to grandma is good because it

I hope the book delves into his collaboration with Ozzie and Slash.

I had not heard about this, but you are not kidding!

So it’s caliche?  That makes a lot of sense, if Mars used to be wet and then stopped being that way.

Have you ever watched Big Mouth? His character Jay is a relatively grounded picture of a teen trying to figure out whether he’s straight, gay, bi, or something else. There’s a lot of nuance and realism in the portrayal and it’s well worth checking out. Also, he fucks pillows.

From the plan: “Designate one doctoral fellowship annually as the Peter Paris Fellowship (5 fellowships in total), with a stipend valued at $5000 above the current doctoral stipend, for students who are descendants of slaves or from underrepresented groups, including but not limited to African, Latino/a,

I think the problem is some comedians are being “punished” for jokes they told before woke culture

we don’t know if Ed is even in the show at all

Oh yeah?  Would a terrible mother kidnap a baby in order to press it up against her comatose daughter, thereby curing the daughter but driving the baby incurably insane?

The thing that saves Jason is the specificity. He’s not just “everyone thinks Asians are smart... but what if they were STUPID???” I’m from Las Vegas, which has a large Filipino community, and I have known three or four good-natured dummies, who are also wannabe dancers or DJs, who are also low-level criminals. I

This show’s humor was just weird — it tried to exist in a more “real” world where immigration/naturalization problems exist, but then it added false notes like a woman who holds down at least eight different jobs, plus rich idiots who hand people stacks of cash and ask them to recycle it. Nope.

I also think it’s just a matter of time slots - Perfect Harmony is in-between Superstore and The Good Place, two shows which are both good and relatively strong in the ratings.  There’s inertia there which Sunnyside isn’t capitalizing on.

I disagree about the first part of what you’re saying. I think in a lot of ways, Trump is a continuation of Bush-era Republicanism. In a stylistic sense, there’s a direct line between Bush (sure he’s dumb, but I’d like to have a beer with him) and Trump (sure he’s dumb, but he’s owning the libs). In an electoral

As a white person I always just say “fucker” or “fucka” instead when I’m singing along. It keeps the “I’m breaking a taboo” frisson, except this time the taboo-breaking doesn’t reinforce centuries of horrific atrocities. Plus like 75% of the time it retains the exact semantic meaning that the rapper is conveying

I still really liked the season, but I thought it was hurt by not having very much Coach Steve. He’s a reliable source of absurd humor, and without his presence the more serious storylines don’t pop out as much. I mean, on a structural level it’s good that they’re not over-relying on the wacky comic relief character

I dunno. Jimmy Carter is arguably the greatest ex-president ever, but what did he actually do while he was president? His deregulation policies laid the groundwork for Reagan to come in and start wrecking up the New Deal/Great Society state. And his foreign policy of “let’s arm Islamists to fight the Soviet Union” had