Ponsonby Britt

I liked the bit where Bean tells Derek to go find a friend and he responds “Not all of us can find an elf that wants to have sex with them.” I don’t like Bean/Elfo as an actual ship, but it’s funny when other characters make fun of it.

The other thing I noticed was, in the scene where Elfo has alphabetized all of

I liked the gag when Grifto is revealed as a troll, and he takes off his fake elf ears to reveal... identically sized and shaped troll ears.

I really liked that sneak/chase sequence in the library. That’s a classic fantasy video game trope and it was executed well here.  In general I think this show does a good job of riffing on fantasy tropes in the same way that Futurama did with science fiction ones.

It has been proven beyond ALL doubt that they fed secrets about the atomic bomb to the Soviets and therefore were guilty of espionage and treason.

This is a great article.

This isn’t going to work out any better than drug prohibition. People who are addicted to nicotine are still going to be addicted to nicotine, and are still going to use it - if they can’t get e-cigs, they’re just going to use regular tobacco. And it seems like this law puts most of the penalties on either the user or

I mean, it kind of is? Obviously Dostoyevsky wasn’t condoning murder by depicting it. But his deeper message was that Western-derived liberal individualism is bad, and that it leads people to engage in immoral behavior like murder. Whereas more traditionally Russian ideas about hierarchy and living within externally

That’s a really good analogy, although I have to imagine Lorne is responsible for a lot less CTE from unprotected chair shots.

Not “no” CTE from unprotected chair shots, just less.

It seems that New York does not have a rape by fraud statute, and there have been at least a couple of published cases where a defendant was acquitted under that theory. So in descriptive terms, Paul the Wine Guy did not commit a crime.

It’s interesting though, because the main place rape-by-fraud tends to come up is

I had this thought too, but the rapper spells it “Horovitz.

I don’t think we’ll be seeing a M*A*S*H or I Love Lucy reboot, either.

One artist’s rendition of the event:

That’s a funny way to spell Newsradio.

If the movie stinks, just don’t go!

If all you have is spice, you die.

I appreciate how non-white this casting is! Sure, the books consciously mixed up real-world ethnicities and cultures, but I wasn’t actually expecting that to come through on a tv adaptation. Pleasant to have my cynicism refuted.

I dunno, on the one hand I’m definitely going to watch this.  But on the other hand, given Fey’s poorly concealed contempt for everywhere that’s not New York, I’m hesitant to think she’ll do a good job with the LA-specific stuff.

There have been a shitload of Sun Wukong adaptations lately (some of them very good!) in China, I wonder if that’s the kind of “domestic equivalent of superheroes” that you’re talking about? Anyway Sun Wukong is in the public domain, Marvel should just have him start hanging out with Thor or something.

I’d have liked to have seen some work around dissuading brigades. A thought along those lines would be to pay attention to a sudden spike in flagged comments or restricted users for an account and sudden jump in new accounts that immediately want to follow them. The AI could then throttle new followers, or delay

Cluster bombs?  Corn syrup?  Thinly disguised imperialist propaganda?