Ponsonby Britt

Ordinary fuckin’ people.

I introduced them! I was sitting at the Copacabana one night with Danny Kaye and Bullwinkle (Bullwinkle had been working his way up through the club circuit, telling jokes and doing pratfalls), and I saw my buddy Lou Fishstein. So I wave him over, and Lou (Lou was “connected” as we used to say, to gentlemen of an

I don’t think this is true?  I looked online, and she’s done a number of Democratic or left-wing things.  She endorsed Kerry in 2004, she’s criticized Trump, and in an interview about her OItNB character she talked about how the show highlights problems with prison privatization and bad immigration policy.  And (not


Speaking as an actual western lawyer, this is badly incorrect. For one thing, hearsay has nothing to do with this - most sexual assault cases boil down to one person’s testimony against another’s. This is the opposite of hearsay (a statement which happened outside of the hearing, and is unreliable because we can’t

If someone is sexually assaulted, there are two tracks for redressing the problem. The first is criminal - report it to the cops, it goes through the normal system (or too frequently the cops/prosecutors just ignore it). The second track is civil. Under the Civil Rights Act, employers and schools have an obligation to

- I’m gonna take this place down old-school, like back in the 70s when this city was a city. When we were giving Mayor Lindsay hell and Mayor Lindsay was giving Florence Henderson crabs and the Crabs were a street gang that threw live crabs at people.
- Is any of this real, Lillian?
- Maybe!

Al Jazeera is really bad at reporting about Qatar, but it’s pretty good at reporting about evil stuff that Qatar’s rivals do.  The fact that it has bad motivations doesn’t change the quality of the reporting, though.

People were worked up about this back then. Obama faced persistent criticism for doing right-wing immigration policies in general, and specifically for having a harsh response to increased family migration from Central America (which is when his administration put kids in cages).

It didn’t get as much play in the

I don’t think this is a good read on the conversation between Nancy/Ibis/Bilquis. For one thing, I don’t think it makes sense to say that it’s “disingenuous” for it to only be a conversation between black people. I think that’s a deliberate choice they made in order to highlight the issue with racism. The black people

I think it’s Thor. Because A. Shadow can think about precipitation really hard and it happens and B. when he’s getting angry on the train (right before Laura busts in), it starts thundering. Total Thor moves.

I’m like a biscotti.  People think I’m this sweet cookie, but I’m really this super hard thing that nobody knows what I am or why I am!

The problem with subsidized cab rides is, they don’t just compete with terrible cab companies, they also compete with public transit, which is a social and environmental public good that’s being undercut by Uber/Lyft.

As an example, I live in Vegas, where the regular bus system (used by poor people to get to work) has

This exclusive first look at The Banks, tentatively scheduled for a July release, immediately establishes a compelling conflict as Celia Banks, an investment banker, refuses to join her mother and grandmother in their life of crime.

Free college for all, as in New York State where Andrew Cuomo already did this, requires the Governor of that state to sign it. None of the GOP governors will ever sign it. The representation is fraudulent.

No, in Nevada “indecent exposure” extends to “making someone else indecently expose themselves”.

Fun fact: one of her lawyers is David Roger, who used to be the district attorney in Vegas.  That’s right, he literally went from being the DA to being the police union lawyer.

No, there are (or I mean, were) lots of other Odins. At the end of the book, Shadow is backpacking around Iceland and meets the local one. And the gods are limited in their influence to whatever their “homeland” is, because they’re a reflection of the people in that homeland. That’s why they’re “American” gods.  They

Also Katie Rice is one of the main storyboard people for that show.

Its setting, however, remains unusually rich. The period during which Germany was divided by the Allies into four zones, each controlled by a different country, has inspired some classic movies, including Roberto Rossellini’s Germany, Year Zero, Lars von Trier’s Zentropa and, more recently, Christian Petzold’s Phoenix