Ponsonby Britt

Employees definitely can choose to organize without the UAW (either their own union or as an affiliate of some other union), but I don’t know whether another union is seriously trying to organize auto workers in the US. It seems like kind of a waste of time and resources, compared to “organizing workers in whatever

That makes economic sense I think - if your wages and the stock in your IRA both come from the same company, you’re doubly exposed to any problems the company has. If you work at Tesla and revenues drop, you might get fired at the same time as your retirement savings take a big hit. But if your stock is in, say,

Fate is a DC character. He is a very powerful mage and a good guy who is frequently associated with the Justice Society. Destiny is a Marvel character. She is a mutant with clairvoyance powers and is typically but not exclusively a bad guy (like her partner Mystique).

The fanbase for minions is old people, who are constantly posting about them on Facebook.

But this “assuming we know more than 1% of the reality that these people are living” thing goes the other way, right? Maybe C.K. (or any other celebrity accused of creeping) did a bunch of other bad stuff, and we don’t know about it because the victims are too embarrassed to come forward, or are unwilling to face the

Despite Zøg’s bluster, it’s clear he cares for Bean and worries that she’s destined be a drunken layabout her whole life. Bean clearly hasn’t taken her father’s remarriage well, and it’s partially responsible for her acting out.

I did appreciate that the swamp folks had the same vaguely pseudo-Nordic accent as the other Dankmirians, just with “hillbilly” layered on top of it.  That was a nice, weird touch.

...though, like Bender before him, I hope they work out his motivation. Bender was sold as a robot with no emotions who wanted to kill all humans, but that characterization couldn’t stick and rarely made sense in light of his genuine friendship with Fry.

They’re never going to get rid of likes, because those are a core aspect of the product. Likes are the payout on the slot machine, the unpredictable rush of endorphins that makes the Skinner box work. Get rid of likes (or view counts or upvotes or whatever), people stop using the product and it stops being worth any

The system doesn’t just tag stuff as “fake;” it gives “fake” stuff a less prominent position in the algorithm that decides whether or not you see that post in your news feed.  So it doesn’t matter whether people are inclined to believe stuff that confirms their preconceived ideas; they’re less likely to see that stuff

“Matt Berry playing Prince Humperdinck” is such a perfect idea, I’m surprised it took this long to happen.

Although I think there’s a counterfactual here of “if auteurist Hulk had been a success, would Marvel have let their other movies be more personal and original?” Maybe we would be discussing Terrence Malick Thor or Duplass Brothers Spider-Man nowadays.  (And/or maybe superhero movies wouldn’t be as culturally dominant

You said:

I live in Las Vegas, and there’s these anarchist protesters who go out and chalk the sidewalk in front of police headquarters to protest police brutality.

So a few years ago, they were arrested and charged with graffiti.  This would normally be a misdemeanor, since the charge is based on the monetary value of the

However I imagine the police concentrate on areas in which crime and theft is especially prevelent.

The other really stupid part was that she talks about “identity condiments” from non-white ethnic groups crowding out mayonnaise. Which 1, is so goddamn dumb, but 2, completely ignores the existence of both Mexican and Japanese food and their disgustingly promiscuous use of mayo.