
I hope it hits the US. Its the only way americans will understand the imminent danger we are with climate change.

Maybe he will now. Oregon State Police have a crime reporting email address.

This place used to be interesting, and mostly politically isolated. Ever since Gawker surrendered it, this place is a single-head-in-the-ass opinionated stream of clickbait-named articles except some writers, most of the stuff I read is just sad.

Exactly, it’s not Uber’s fault. It’s gizmodo being paid to sabotage Uber. Ever since Gawker went bankrupt, this place has been getting worse and worse...

Who gives a shit? You know who should get the job....the person who is best qualified. Maybe blacks, women, or whatever the fuck a latinx is, just don’t want to work there, and now its the company’s fault?

I tend to agree. All of a sudden a few sites seem to release a series of hit pieces in tandem with one another.

Smells of coordination.

That was almost entirely unnecessary.

Agree, people in New York / London / LA / Paris, etc have no idea what it’s like in the rest of the world.

While I am not big on Uber, they have shown that the taxi companies can’t compete worth shit. The right is always going on about the free market and competition is good, but it seems when something comes along to challenge the current group at the top, they can’t handle it.

This website is going downhill in a hurry. Sadly removing from the daily rotation after many years of readership.

Bias much. Pls revoke own press cred.