
Everything outside Nintendo was a disappointment in general, ever since Mario Kart 8 and Hyrule Warriors my U has been getting the love it deserves.

It's nice to see that artists realize that we recognize a character has breasts without literally having to outline them in a thick black line.

THANK GOD!! They finally got rid of the Arrow pointing to her Vagina.

Is this a real thing or is it just a hallucination from finals sleep deprivation

Before you go bananas, remember: just because Sony has the rights to this (the wording of the report makes it sound like Arad picked up the rights himself then brought them to studios) doesn't mean it'll get made. Most video game movies - hell, most movies - never make it from the handshake to the silver screen.

Is Angelina Jolie involved?

Nah it's fine as is.

What the hell does "Trending gamer" even mean? It sounds like a pathetic attempt for an old-school awards show to try and stay relevant with new media.

I lost all respect for him when he was an irredeemable asshole to literally everyone (but don't you see that's his GIMMICK! that makes it okay!) which was well before he showed his true colors as either a misogynist or someone trying to get those sweet ad impressions since he's in direct competition with traditional

Trending Gamer: Total Biscuit

Best online experience: Destiny

I think people hated Gone Home because it dealt with gender and women, and GamerGaters hate women

What a close minded prick.

I look forward to the day when we can share these stages across Miiverse.

They did a new IP, Watch Dogs. It was really boring.

It's funny though that the head of Ubisoft has stated that they would delay an Assassins Creed game if Need be. Just wish they could follow through with that.

Unity was developed over 4 years. Even the other games are on 2 year cycles with dev teams so massive its like 3-4 years.

I'll give him the internetz if he finds something to compare to this:

That's damn impressive. Ubisoft has some great creative talent. I wish they just weren't hamstrung by their own company's higher ups.

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"Anime" (アニメ) is the Japanese word for "animation." Here is a trailer for the show, which certainly says the is the anime version: