
It’s common for freshmen at second or third tier schools to have to take remedial courses to bring them up to the college level.

The guy’s Facebook page has a bunch of Bernie Sanders stuff on it and apparently he canvassed for Sanders during the primaries.

I was headed to grad school in the mid 1980's and needed a cheap and (hopefully) reliable little car. I ended up buying a VW Dasher (I think it was a 75) from a friend of my parents who would buy cars, restore/repair them, then sell them. The Dasher was $200 and ugly as original sin, but the seller swore that the

I can understand why Melania and their son didn’t want to move into the White House. They’re in the middle of a fishbowl and now they’re living with Donald. Can’t be pleasant on either count. The thing is, this is the deal the family made.

Neither has reached the heights achieved by Strom Thurmond during his “illustrious” career.

Some neighborhood kid coming on to your property or into your house and managing to hurt him/herself.

Honestly, she should have known better. This put her in the same category as Ted Nugent and the other crazy idiots who put up signs or displays about Obama. Are those the people to whom you want to be compared?

The only part of golfing that is appealing is riding around in a cart with a case of beer in a cooler and enjoying the nice weather.

I’ve listened to all the episodes of this podcast and have LOVED it, especially when he uses the life of a person at a given place and time to illustrate the changes occurring. Outstanding work.

I have a friend who is a prison counselor. She used to work in a women’s prison, but had to give it up. She’d work with her clients, help them make real changes, then the women would be released and way too many of them would go back with the same boyfriend and fall right back into the same activities. My friend

Better yet, someone should “accidentally” hold that slip of paper he gave them with his phone number so that the photographers in advertently get a photo of it.

When I was in high school, one of my best friends was a girl whose parents had immigrated to the US from India. At the end of our senior year, most of us were talking about college. She didn’t. She was married off right after graduation to a man in his 60's who owned a very successful business. We lost contact with

“Probably not the Pope’s favorite topic of discussion, but not unexpected.“

Back in the 70's, I used to baby sit for a couple of NHL players on our local team. A new player had been picked up and he and his wife were given my name. Both were lovely people and the kids were nice, as well. One night, while they were still living in a hotel (two adjoining rooms with a door between) trying to

How many average New Yorkers do you thing interact with Melania on a given day?

He’d definitely point out to people that Melania was a model. The best model.

“Don’t let him touch you, Holy Father”

You cover your head in the Vatican, but it’s not necessary to dress in black. No sleeveless dresses, either.

Why did Melania and Ivanka dress all in black? That’s not necessary. Did they think they were going to a funeral? Ivanka looks like she’s trying to pose as the Madonna, while Melania looks like she’s about to be walked to her own execution.

“You have to please the tech elite! “