That’s probably at the top of her To Do list.
That’s probably at the top of her To Do list.
But it keeps the people to whom the Trump family owe massive amounts of money happy.
“that “lack of public denouncement” is not synonymous with silence.”
Apparently, there is an exception to the nepotism clause if your last name is Thompson.
Edward also had a wee fascination with Nazis.
I do have a secret hope that Elizabeth declares William her heir and skips over these two entirely.
The manikins in the windows the last few times I’ve walked by were cringe inducing. Weird fits, bad colors and color combinations, horrible.
Ann Taylor has been having serious problems along these lines for a couple of years now, too. Instead of reliably selling pretty clothing that you can wear to work in a conservative or semi-conservative office setting, they’ve gone with a depressing thrift store chic look that I honestly don’t understand.
They could unite with the Republic of Ireland. The RoI and Scotland together might be able to float the economic mess that is Northern Ireland should they want to leave the UK, as well.
The United Kingdom is disintegrating because some of their citizens have irrational fears of Romanians and Poles coming to the UK and working construction and in other forms of physical labor. I guess they preferred when the Irish did those jobs.
Cheap vacations in Spain, too.
“Karen Pence is reportedly the family “prayer warrior,” whatever that means.”
That neighbor who was raking his leaves on to the author’s lawn is looking particularly illegal. Then there’s the guy who doesn’t clean up after his dog.
One thing I never, ever regret packing. A couple extra pairs of underwear than I think I’ll need. They don’t take up much room and if I get caught in a downpour or end up sweating heavily, it’s good to have a spare pair.
Adams is one of those writers that I wish I’d never learned more about. Dilbert was a good comic strip for a long time... in the “Ho, ho, that is so true, my office is just like that!” kind of way. You cut out the strip and take it up in the break room for everyone to chuckle over. Then Adams starts to talk and…
As an actual Aggie, I can say that Biturbowagon is pretty much right. Although almost everyone on campus did thing that Richard Spencer was a step too far.
Liquid meat tenderizer breaks down the proteins in the bits of tentacle without firing the nematocysts. When I was a kid and we’d go swimming in the Chesapeake Bay in the summer, Mom would bring a jug in which she’d dissolved Adolf’s in water. Now, you can just go to Costco or a similar place and buy a jug pre-made.
It’s a miracle that she seems fairly normal.
Given the sparse coverage of the NCAA women’s tournament, I thought Deadspin was unaware women play basketball.
...and people in SC don’t care much for NC in general due to an abundance of NC attitude.