I know but that FACE!...I mean, would you just LOOK at THAT FACE!....UGH...
I know but that FACE!...I mean, would you just LOOK at THAT FACE!....UGH...
You have said the truth and nothing but the truth...
EXACTLY!... This is my fear also
Outer Ugliness has nothing to do with it. Mother Theresa was very ugly, yet her inner beauty will shine forever. Melania and ivanka.... Melania told the world she don’t give a Fu-ck about babies ripped from their mothers arms. Ivanka didn’t wear it on her back but wears it on her face. That emotionless, plastic,…
And yet....they say America is the greatest country in the world. The richest fer sure.
Yup. Detention centers are where the undocumented disappear for good. They don’t exist on paper. They are missing and if you don’t exist on paper....you don’t exist. Period.
We got here by the intolerance, hatred and self righteousness of the religious right and by who they always endorse. And of course by a little help from our friends, Putin n company
It is already happening. Those missing 2500 children? That is where you'll find them...
They want to control the population. Republicans...the wealthy are making a slave economy. The slaves live in dire poverty so cannot fight back. The elite become even wealthier due to the exploitation of this underclass.
I believe Karma will take care of it. These people who care NOTHING for the least of their brethern and have the power over ALL of us, need to know that ultimately they will be powerless. When a poor immigrant child becomes deathly ill due to Miller n company’s callous n cold new rules, and one of these elitists own…
May he get ball cancer..m
Yea but the snake will manage to squirm his way out of this...His attorney will say there is no proof that he did this and that she did it to herself to make him and republicans look bad...Trump will defend him and talk about what a stellar guy he is, he will become the victim and the victim will become the criminal…
Attempted murder of a woman, and if you are an evangelical Xtian that believes that life begins at conception, then also murder...but being the hypocrites that they are it doesn't matter what the creep did, as long as he is a trumpster...
She also lost all the votes that would of went to Bernie
Only if a mooslim had done it. That the only time they'd recognize it as terror.
May she get a huuuuge pus boil on her lips and tongue for every lie she ever spat out. May she get an even bigger one on her AZZ to be a reminder of what she really is every time she sits.
Oh wow that karma fer sure!
But you see, if everybody else can benefit from your extreme wealth, then that takes away from all the fun! ....lts only obcenely wonderful when YOU are the only one outta billions who has reached that level of absurd wicked wealth. When all of mankind has to grovel and beg at your golden feet plus lick your golden…
Her Mexican side piece...