
Now you can really see how beautiful Tamar’s face is.

sometimes people just need their ass beat

He dated Kerry Washington too!? Seriously, what’s going on?? Maybe he’s just vapid and boring and again he dates beyond his reach.

When I heard (literally the other day here on The Root) that he was dating Angela Rye, first thought was “Well, it won’t last because Common”. What’s his deal? I feel like Badu insinuated he was clingy but there has got to be a woman out there that likes a clingy man, right. I guess the confidant and successful

That first debate should be on pay-per-view for entertainment value.

Someone called him the male Halle Berry. He’s turned very Hollywood lately, maybe Angela wasn’t with that, who knows, but I’m not surprised by it.

I wonder why that is?

I personally do not under value lesbians in society, but I just don’t find their drag as interesting to look at. In the end, drag is a show - and if its something that isn’t visually or emotionally captivating to me I am going to zone out or not go.

You’re right. I think what makes drag queens more captivating is that hyper-femininity comes with lots of ornamentation, whereas what is hyper-masculinity? Aggression and musculature? Violence? I mean, that’s a tough act to make palatable.

So what I am getting from this article is that people are still fucking awful pieces of shit. Black women are yelling it from the mountains, trying to tell people to wake the fuck up. And people choose to turn away or be happy to get their dick wet by a white / exotic / light skinned woman. Sooooooooo it’s Thurs. I

I am ready to be shunned away into the depths of internet hell for this one but...

Why does it seem like this show has completely ignored the fact that the twins benefit from their lighter skin? They may not be “beige” but they are literally on a show that (unsurprisingly) consist of only black women within their shade of blackness. It’s insulting to hear this storyline from a show that clearly

No. It’s still very much a thing, I just think that’s it’s become more colorist than ever.


Young Black women are saying that they absolutely still experience high levels of colorism and Black men who simply don’t date Black women. It’s talked about online quite a bit.

You’ve convinced me to seek this episode out on Hulu. One issue I have with “Grown-ish” is there are no dark-skinned women. Also, the Jewish/bisexual girl is racist and stupid. What Black students would hang out with her?

Honestly, you’re much better off investing in a great skincare routine than makeup. Unless you have HD cameras filming you on the regular, makeup is just not needed. Except maybe for a concealer in case you’re prone to spots.

I see Ru’s initial point in a way. At what point are you not doing drag anymore because you are a woman? But I also understand everyone else.

That look the hairdressers gave each other when Olivia asked them to leave said it all. It’s about to go down!

Worked at charities and nonprofits. Volunteered on weekends. Worked in politics and government and issue campaigns. Often at low pay. Registered people to vote in poor neighborhoods. Traveled to Latin America to maternal child health programs and school meal operations. Protected women from protestors at abortion