Most retailers already do this with men’s sizes. This and that male hormone birth control is really pissing me with off right now. Fuck.
Most retailers already do this with men’s sizes. This and that male hormone birth control is really pissing me with off right now. Fuck.
Ugh, as much as I love this, please don’t support/endorse Meijer!
Using gay slurs, saying mean things about classmates and inappropriate things about girls? Technology may have changed the platform but it’s safe to say that this generation didn’t invent any of that.
Are kids getting shittier as human beings, or does advancing technology offer more options for them to be shitty, or are we simply more aware of their shittiness due to said tecnology? All three?
So, any politicians out there going to call this guy a terrorist? If he was Muslim you know you would. If he had been waving the flag of Islam and then started killing police? You absolutely would. So, how about this guy? Anyone? Anyone at all? Yeah, didn’t fucking think so. Cowards.
“F.B.I. officials spent weeks examining computer data showing an odd stream of activity to a Trump Organization server and Alfa Bank. Computer logs obtained by The New York Times show that two servers at Alfa Bank sent more than 2,700 “look-up” messages — a first step for one system’s computers to talk to another — to…
they said the FBI says it’s probably spam or other innocuous traffic.
Honestly, Donald Trump as a long culled Russian plant explains everything there is about Donald Trump, from the 80s golden decor of his apartment to his presidential candidacy. All of it. Everything.
*crosses fingers*
“Yeah, Republican men telling women, including fellow conservative women, to sit down and shut up has been another theme in this election since forever.”
Yeah, Republican men telling women, including fellow conservative women, to sit down and shut up has been another theme in this election.
Yeah, bitches only have to drink 77% as much alcohol to get as drunk as a Man.
this is why i tell all of my female friends to read the gift of fear. there is a chapter in it explicitly devoted to how men will often “help” women and then use the women’s fear of being rude about it as a way of attacking them. seriously, it is crucial reading.
This one sucked all around to read. But, this case remains a good example of why I’m extremely skeptical of the “Believe every accusation made and never question anything” modern progressive stance on sexual assault allegations. Erdely followed that theory to a T. It’s just ripe for unscrupulous people to take…
“whatever the P.C. way to describe what used to be called ‘mentally retarded.’ ” Since they didn’t want to “stoop all the way to girls,”
In other words:
Play the goddamn game, retard! What are you? A fucking homo?
Yeah. Fuck this guy.
Jesus christ. What an unbelievable douche.
This guy is a fucking asshole.
Right. Women can’t win. If we perform care-giving labor then we are accused of corrupting, and contaminating the people we care for. Because our charges will become “feminized” (what could be worse.) But if we are ever perceived as not actively, and obsessively performing that labor we are literally criminalized: http:…
Poor cows.
Not so much scary, but definitely creepy, and a legendary story in my family.