
I don’t think I can be convinced that porn is healthy for men. Ladies, whose boyfriends/husbands are pornheads, tell me honestly and not the “sex positive, politically correct, men pleasing” version, do your partners porn habits mean great/improved sex with better, more frequent orgasms for you personally?

I find this result bizarre. I’ve used the Cetaphil gentle cleaser when I accidentally bought it instead of the oily cleanser and it was like massaging moisturiser onto my face. It has the consistency of semen and comperable cleansing abilities. You don’t even get a slight lather! Clearly I am in the confused minority

I find this result bizarre. I’ve used the Cetaphil gentle cleaser when I accidentally bought it instead of the oily

If it doesn’t happen to them - they can’t see it. It’s so institutionalized and acculturated they can’t see it.

Shouldn’t one internship be enough? How much free labor are we allowing companies to squeeze out of kids? Dickens would shit himself over this.

Sure it is, bros. Exhibit A:

BobbySerious, Gawker’s resident rape apologist/rapist*, once explained at length that he didn’t care how many peer-reviewed studies showed that women do drastically more housework than men — he knows for a fact that he and his friends do AT LEAST half the housework in their homes, and that’s WAY better evidence than

Fuck to them.

Racism was allegedly over because we elected a black president too

Hillary is running for President which proves there is no sexism and it’s sexist for you to say there is sexism. <— will be the new thing, is the thing.

100% of those surveyed who believe sexism is no longer a problem followed their answer, unprompted, with: “do you even know what it’s like in Saudi?” Then they shared a meme about how nice guys never get the girl.

Republican men don’t think women face obstacles because THEY ARE THE OBSTACLE.

I’ve noticed on the news they referred to Ryan and his friends as boys. They’re three adult men who are representing our country in the Olympics. Not saying it’s wrong to go out to a club and party after finishing their races but their behavior at that gas station was appalling.

I work in the Visual Department at Macy's and we had an emergency email this morning to remove all the Lochte branded Polo collateral for the Olympics capsule they did. He looks so smug in the photos it was kind of a relief.

You’re not sorry and you didn’t learn shit.

Well said. A line has to be made somewhere. That line will never be perfect, and never black and white. But I would rather it be made fair for 99% of the competitors, than for the 1%.

He didn't stop. He finished and she cried afterwards which he found annoying

His attitude is shockingly common. Rape is only committed by men who attack random ladies on the streets. It couldn’t possibly be done by guys who gain a woman’s confidence or friendship and abuse it to the highest degree. Nope, that’s just “bad sex”.

A guy once told me how he had sex with a girl who changed her mind half way through and cried afterwards. He called it “bad sex” while I scrambled to pick my jaw up from the floor. He just thought it was an annoying incident, a nuisance. Needless to say I ghosted him and warned mutual friends about him. But I suspect

Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level.

one in three of them say they would be willing to "use force to obtain intercourse" as long as nobody would find out and there would be no consequences.