
Wow, I actually watched the title change to a more clickbaity title when I refreshed the front page

Not sure if “that happened, sure,” or “you couldn’t make this shit up.”

Firefly was overrated.

Hey now, Samantha Bee worked hard for her title. You can’t just go and take it from her and give it to some filthy penis-having cis white male rape pig!

> most people

My brain is in overdrive for 8 hours a day. When it’s time to relax, I just want to smoke a bowl and watch something mindless.

Cool, now all he has to do is keep that ingrown toenail of pop-sci-fi Felicia Day out of it, and I’ll probably give this at least a few episodes.

If he didn’t want to get shot, he shouldn’t have committed grand theft. One less scumbag to terrorize innocent people.

Haha, silly Giz, the surveillance state is already here - it’s called Facebook. No one needs to be surveiled, because we’re willingly telling anyone that wants to listen what we’re doing, when, with whom, and where.

I kind of saw it as a subtle way of indicating that Mr. Capaldi’s time is running out. Like an, “oh, shit, shouldn’t he be able to come back from this? What’s wrong? Something’s wrong. He’s dying HE’S GONNA REGENERATE!”

This was 10000x better than Thin Ice.

Please, no more.

> Yep, yet another instance of the assholes on the internet wanting to shame people for doing what they want.

I’m going back to clicking my pens. Y’all had a chance to eliminate it, but you had to make the spinners themselves a distraction/social media phenomenon.

I remember when Fidget Spinners first came out, and I was elated that I’d have an idle action to do when I was in thinking mode - I know that clicking my pen or drumming my fingers on my desk can be really annoying and distracting to my coworkers.


Huh. Ain’t that something.

Funny how that works, now that Comey’s crosshairs had moved away from Shillary and onto Cheeto Jesus.

My boy Nick has fun with it. He flips back into his heaviest homeland accent and sees how wound up he can get people.

Hey now, Amy Schumer worked very hard for her title, who are you to strip it away and give it to some old white man?