
Ha! Dude wanted a Trout souvenir, but only came away with a red herring.

Any evidence that he has been fired because I can’t find any.

I just got more joy from that 30 seconds than I will likely get from the entire first season of New New Top Gear.

In his defense, every National doesn't do very well under pressure.

Donuts, is there anything they can’t do?

As a Cubs fan: Hahahahahaha. Thanks for Arrieta, too.

A great example of “why the hell would you do this” with the answer of “because you can” and the penultimate result of “and it’s awesome!”

Prosecutor: “Now Mr. Pierre-Paul, is the man who tweeted your medical records in the courtroom today?”

The least surprising aspect of this video is that a UF student was rejected by Vanderbilt.

Now playing

This has stayed in my mind. It will always be there.

I can sympathize, I never scored when I was in high school either :(

I have heard that the Giants actually made him the same financial offer as the Sawx, with one apparently significant contractual difference: San Francisco built a weight-monitoring program into the deal, and Boston did not.

We’ve seen professional dunker Jordan Kilganon around these parts before, and he has now upped his dunk game to the point that he can pull off ridiculous jams while wearing jeans.

Considering it’s Maryland, we should probably just be thankful they’re no longer using eight-balls.

Never liked the look of the Y62 compared to Y61

Cooke can only hit people when they're not looking.