
It doesn't have Jar Jar Binks.

My girlfriend didn't use to be so techy and into gadgets, but I lured her into Gizmodo through 'Gadget deals of the day', where the fascination with getting discount stuff kicked in...Shortly followed by a 42" TV purchase and a DLSR, thanks to the deals found on here. After that she comes on over here every day, and

@tundraboy: Except that you can see the whole colour spectrum now, not just blue and red. Also, the picture quality is substantially higher, and the 3D effect way better.

Thanks a bunch! just did it, works a treat +1 for the skype credits :D

@crimsoneye: Solution - see below - open say, incognito window and hit up happy.skype.com - works like a charm.

I don't think people are understanding that this link doesnt work

Is it only me that it's doing this with, but the free skype credits thing doesnt seem to work. I click the link and it tells me my coupon will be with me shortly, thanks for entering email adress etc etc but...I didn't enter anything. Anyone know what the deal is or is it just me being dumb.

@MadAmos: No of course not. And they most certainly wouldnt have their hood up to look suspicious either.

What terrorist has a DSLR Camera. Are you kidding me TSA?

Is it just me, or are the reviews picked out leaning more towards the negative rather than the positive.

@blyan: Because if you plan on using it as say a watch or have it strapped to your wrist, but also listen to music you have a problem. With your hands moving back and forth you'll be ripping headphones out of your ears in no time. With bluetooth, you can have wireless headphones and avoid this problem.

you can easily do this with beer cans...drink half of it and balance on the rim. its so simple.

@SkilletHead: Simply because when water freezes it expands, so if you put water in the bottles, the glass would break. Ever left a bottle of beer or some kinnda jar in the freezer and forgotten about it? When you get round to remembering, the glass is broken right? Same thing. Sand won't freeze and the glass stays

Blurry snapshot is an understatement.

@MikeofLA: On Top Gear they were talking about how at those speeds, the slightest movement with the steering wheel takes you from one side of the track to the other - the friction necessary to stay on the track, maintain speed and not end up as dust on the side is pretty amazing. The tires on these things get

@AlexJDA: Watched when Top Gear had their go at it...it was insane to watch. Unless you are able to find a test track with a ridiculously long straight, reaching 270 is going to be near impossible.