
If your flight is cancelled due to a fault of the airline i.e mechanical - you can get easily re-compensated or put on a flight of different airline to that same destination. Just cite Rule 240.

@Wwhat: The candy-man did

"I sentence you to death Humpty Dumpty.

"lobate scarps that are only one billion to one hundred million years old. This is very recent in geological terms"

@Dodge2002: Didn't you get the memo? There is no mars.

@Tommy Five: i thought the 7 years preparation was in reference to finding a woman and taking 7 years to get engaged haha

I don't know if this is to be taken seriously or not. These are a few gems (no pun intended) I've picked out that makes me think its not:

This would be a far more plausible/better/successful road to go down if I (being M.Night.Shyamalan) was going to make a movie called "The Happening". Set it in Rwanda, load of people mysteriously dying - Bam! We're golden. Plus we can still have Mark Wahlberg running away from invisible crap. Ding ding ding - that's

I Like. However,my guilty pleasure is actually across the pond from Japan - Korean Kim Bop - dayum those things are tasty!

I think I'm gonna go ahead here and play the part of the pissed off patriotic far-right nut-job.

This could be the hot list of hollywood stars.


If only I had the money, If only I had the need - I would buy you, you sexual 3DTV.

@Insecure Penguin: They just got lazy and said screw this, lets round up or down.

You know all these ridiculously expensive luxury goods they put in Wallpaper - such as this Bag&Bike dealio here...I wonder how many people actually buy these kinnda things.

@Lokitoth: I know - It could take forever haha. But I gotta get one sometime.

I think thats great that they managed to build this. I wonder how they got that bridgestone gig though...

All the people saying this is tolerable - you do realise, at the end of the day - this is still Bieber. Shame on you.

I grew tired of optical illusion nonsense a long time ago.