
How can you not like Ghostbusters?
I am clucking my tongue and shaking my head disapprovingly. I may have nostalgia for Ghostbusters, but I still think that regardless of that it is a great great film - it did in fact set the template for all supernatural comedies that came afterwards (Men in Black being the first one

I am so done with this season…
It sucks, but seriously… they sent Shirin home??? After the disaster that was their elimination of Epperson, there are no contestants left who are evenly remotely interesting, besides maybe Nicholas. Bland, bland, bland. I couldn't understand how they could sit there and find no

I Heart John Oliver
I've been a bit unsure about this show, because it just felt like it was trying a bit too hard to be clever in the beginning, but I actually laughed out loud a bunch during this episode… John Oliver cracked me up the most though… that line about "could we have this conversation in a room with less

Doctor Who
I've always been a Trekker, but I only recently got into Doctor Who, almost by accident through liking Torchwood and then getting into the new series, but man oh man… if I had seen any Doctor Who as a child, it would have ruled my world… I loved stuff like Ghostbusters, Yellow Submarine and Peewee Herman

Wait they run Mitchell and Webb??? But not Peep Show??? I did not know that… WTF? Peep Show must be seen by more people, dammit!

BBC America is about to start airing Being Human, which is a pretty decent fantasy series about a vampire, werewolf and ghost who are roommates… if you liked Buffy then you might find it interesting.

Me and my roommate have been throwing around a few lately that have been confusing the people around us (aside from our usual Simpsons and Arrested Development references)

Most of the time I love my country, but sometimes Canada sucks.
Seriously, the UK?? The country that already has the BBC iplayer and other services making most of their homegrown content available??? That's the country that's getting Hulu? And in the meantime, I just went to iTunes Canada thinking I'd buy an episode

Ghostbusters 2 was the scarier of the two
When I was a kid, I loved Ghostbusters, but I always had to cover my eyes when Dana Barrett opened her fridge and it said "Zeul", and when the dog claws came out of her chair. That was some scary shit. But Ghostbusters 2 absolutely terrified me for a long time. That Viggo head

The Boy Whose Skin Fell Off
It's funny you mentioned that one in your list of American freak shows, because that special (and all of the TLC specials with ridiculous names that leave nothing to the imagination) was imported from the UK. And it aired on a major broadcast network there, I believe in prime time (and also

ignorant people
Tasha's comments about people dismissing entire genres are right on the money… I have long arguments with my roommate constantly because she's not only dismissive of both musicals and science fiction (which is ridiculous), but rude and arrogant towards me for enjoying them. I can't watch stuff I love,

No, they aren't. If they were, then Jeremy Piven would have won for Entourage (again!)

Yeah I didn't realize that now with the redesign it takes quite a while for a post to appear… i thought it hadn't worked… i'm a freakin' genius, i know. :)

Gervais is awesome. Nobody does awkward self-deprecating comedy that goes on for way too long better than he does. (Now I have an urge to listen to his podcast again).

I agree… Gervais is a comedy God. That comment to Winslet was freakin' hilarious. Nobody does self-deprecating awkward comedy that goes on for longer than it should better than him. I now have an urge to listen to his podcast again. :)

I actually really liked it… but then I have a total crush on Sam Rockwell and he was badass in that movie… plus it had Murray and Crispin Glover… but I was still a bit baffled it was included. It didn't seem like really a revision of the original so much as a straight-up copy. Transformers really did achieve a massive

You Guys are Missing One
You guys stuck Charlie's Angels on the list (which surprised me) but not Transformers??