
I got one of those loop tools from Amazon, and it’s really easy to use. You just have to know not to apply too much pressure and dig into your skin

Birch and Ipsy seem the most popular/well-liked, so I figured it was worth ten bucks for a couple months, just to see? Honestly I probably won’t stay with either of them long — I’ve got fickle skin, bleached ‘n’ dyed hair, and I’m VERY particular about makeup and scents, so the odds of consistently getting things I

AHAs vary. Lactic acid can make you oilier. I use glycolic acid mostly. Salicylic can be good for acne, because it’s drying. I don’t think BHAs ever became a thing. There were questions of whether they really worked.

I have an extractor (“wire” loop on one end, flat-metal loop on the other — I think it’s Tweezerman brand?) and quite like it, tho I don’t need it much these days, thanks to Curology!

I use one of the little loop tools and have not had any issues, I think as long as you are gentle you will be fine (seeing as you can scar your face by picking too hard at a spot with your hands anyway!) I wash my face in warm water and then use the tool - not every day. I figured out which ends fit best on diff parts

I tried using one of those loop things a few years ago and kind of ruined my face for a few weeks. I would love to know how to do it correctly, but now I’m afraid!

Yikes. What I love about Ipsy is that I’m getting basically all makeup (which is what I personally prefer but you can tweak your preferences more than you can with Birchbox IMO). Birchbox gave me wayyy too many hand creams and such. They also keep giving my mom hair products that she can’t use since she has a pixie

Reddit skincareaddiction or asianbeauty, as well as the Paula’s Choice website are really great resources! But very simply, AHAs (like glycolic acid, mandelic acid, lactic acid) are great for resurfacing and therefore things like pigment leftover after acne or other trauma to the skin. BHAs like salicylic acid are

I just bought super goop BB cream, Iv been looking forever for a good one, I hate wearing foundation everyday but feel ick without anything on my face, so far so good, but we shall see. Also LOVE the face mask cucumber gel mask by Peter Thomas Roth. Can I complain about my hair for a minute, it does not know if its

I gave up on birchbox, myself. I mainly shop at Sephora, and none of the products sent in birchbox were brands I recognized (except maybe once or twice). I’m a VIB Rouge with Sephora (which I am simultaneously very proud and slightly embarrassed about, given the level of money spent to get there) and so I was invited

I recommend Ipsy over Birchbox! I made the switch and am very happy.

Are they actually blackheads or are they sebaceous filaments? Either way the best thing for both issues is to get a good BHA product (like salicylic acid 1-2% at the correct ph) and use that daily (start off with every other day). Tools and pore strips do more harm than good and the pores will just keep filling up

I am growing out my eyebrows and one of them has a little bald spot that I think is there forever now (thanks high school me for thinking razor thin eyebrows were the way to go!). I bought an eyebrow pencil for the first time and it looks great if I really take the time to do it but I’m also not sure how to shape my

Damn I just posted my own version of your comment so I’ll delete mine and move here!

We had an open thread last week about beauty stuff, and I’m willing to keep an eye on this again this week, so please post any new stuff (thank you all for the Konjac sponge recommendations, which I’m definitely going to buy), and any questions. I’ll watch for people who are greyed with legit questions.

I returned from Puerto Rico a week and a half ago and it was SOOOOO GREAT YOU GUYS. Thank you to everyone here who gave me suggestions (Adrastra, AllieCat, Funky Bitch, Tora-chan, others). Old San Juan is magical. My favorite day was the first full day we were there when we hit up the beach in the morning, then went

Yes! But with pineapple juice instead of orange juice. Mmmmmmmmmmm

And a mimosa...don’t forget the mimosa.

If I could have one breakfast magically appear in front of me right now....I think it would be chicken and waffles. Mmmmm I want a magic breakfast here RIGHT NOW.

Jeeebus - Dirt Bag is full of Dirt People. Chris Brown you are an abusive piece of shit. Ick Palin. Ick ick ick.