Pokahontas McGuigan

I agree, black people whould stick to their own culture of african tribalism and leave the indoors to the white people who evolved sooner because of their adaptation to cold forced them to perfect indoor living

Its not ‘black’ slang. Its american slang. Stop with the racial propaganda. Multicultural society, not segregated society

This is super faggoty, and thats coming from a gay guy

Im not allowed to physically hurt someone i dont agree with so instead we can disrespect each other to circumvent violence. When you censor and erase all negativity and have a constant mandate of respect then you create opression and repression. People that repress themselves evebtually break down and act out in

You say white supremecy yet you say anyone that disrespects a black person doesnt deserve to live. That is black supremecy. You hypocritical violent disgrace, shame on you.

This is just a skyrim mod

Pretty sure the headline is referencing the author of the article?

How the hell did you get yours?

Lol you have a professional writing career and you chose that headline? Your immaturity is disgusting. An embarassment to my generation.

Juvenile Propaganda

The governtment agency reported illegal activity... why is this news

I wonder which one of the kotaku writers is fucking the artist that keeps getting their art posted with all these articles.

What kind of adult needs ten thousand dollars to fly out and visit someone in jail. Shes a thief using a dead robbery victim to get a payout. Shes a greedy disgusting shame.

This website just constantly spews negativity

You assume that because you get off on victim cuture because youre a toxic sjw

Post a review without spoilers

Write new stuff

Strange Journey was sooooo boring even for SMT

Certain subjects are off limits, if you step out of bounds, the capitalist corporations cut off your funding and trash you in the liberal blogs posing as news. Capitalist Fascism

Well nintendo is putting out high quality software and poor quality hardware and our wallets wil talk when they realize people wouldnt by a nintendo branded tablet from 2014. They should be revolutionizing tech, not giving people outdated tech at premium modern prices