the pose doesnt objectify her, the fact that shes a video game object objectifies her
the pose doesnt objectify her, the fact that shes a video game object objectifies her
it doesnt pervert
it tells what happens post another episode and pre goodbye despair
we dont need anymore prequel games ever, a prequel anime is great imo
Pretty sur 3/9 in japanese is san kyuu sounds like thank you
I see a b button under the right analog stick in the third picture
what an embarassingly bias and immature article. you crapped all over his opinions without being able to communicate why you disagree with him. the only counterpoint you have is saying he should shut his mouth.
Dead Island Definitive Edition... can you give us any info on this the internet doesnt seem to know about this
its 2016, games should play and look like theyre from at least the last 15 years
id say blackness bugs me but that would be stupid, like your comment
It’s not an office, it’s a party, if you don’t want to party then leave. For Fuk sake they’re not even strippers grow the hell up
Stop this from happening again? Bias. Nothing wrong with some adult sexuality at a party with booze.
i dont think that hp laptop can run quantum break :P
nothing wrong with a little sex appeal. boobies=good + video games= good, i see no problem
That’s silly a Super Nintendo could run on a calculator
its distasteful but not problematic
following embargo protocol is shitty reporting/journalism. the whole point of is to see who can get the best info out the quickest, you guys pretty much just share facebook posts i can access on my own. put in some effort with your reporting please.
whats up with all the mad max love, the original movies werent that cool. i can think of an infinite number of movies that deserve thorough game adaptations
strange how you think portal 2 isnt a mediocre try-too-hard version of portal 1