Pokahontas McGuigan

good 4 u

clickbait headline

DBZ is for basic bitches

No one is crying inequality. female characters are usually really cool in FF games and it would give another dynamic to the group. No one is offended its all dudes, it would just be “funner” if they added a chick and i agree

they are both horrible people, just in different ways.

isnt fake calling 911 something 4 year olds do?

thats offensive, dont joke about such things


electronic gluttony!

that was soooo dumb lmao

really wish they made the battle system and summons like FFXII that game had the worst story but best combat

the dlc is free the first month whether or not you picked the game up yet

isnt this game the reason there is no SMTxFE

sounds way cooler than a show based on the game. Hype

personally, i doubt it, but ill check it out. im willing to be proven wrong

if you cant make a valid counter argument, attack my typo

Console war? Youre the one who is apparantly angry at an impartial comment i made. Xbox ethics( console launch) and console quality are undeniably signifigantly lower quality than playstation. I go where the quality is, i dont follow brands like im loyal to them.

its clearly a touchscreen typo

thats weird, its almost as if the xbox one is inforior to ps4, hmm...

she made a mild comment via a one and a half sentence side note. stop hating on the people that its popular to hate on. stop being a fucking sheep. writing so much filth about someone you dont know over one and a half sentence is embarrassingly juvenile. im sure you think tina fey is genuinely nice and isnt a bitch