its not your opinion its the truth
its not your opinion its the truth
citation please
I don't think they scrapped anything, I don't think they had anything to scrap. I think that they were lying, I don't think that there was anything besides CG movies until late 2012 early 2013
Sadly we dont get pretty cover arts like japan
put FAKE the headline or its super misleading. Just like how you assholes are like "new speed run record for zelda is 20 minutes!" Then dont mention at all that they cheated with glitches and codes.
Zelda Wii U is NOT coming out in 2015
im truely apalled at how unfinished this game is. Its been in development for 10 years and according to SE it had never beed cancelled. They blatantly lied when they gave updates saying development was going well, when they probably didnt go into full development until 2013.
everyone that starred/promo'd this comment is an idiot
gurtrude, prudence, sequoia
women will buy and love this horse shit
it looks so real... in fuzzy 720p
Using a glitch is cheating
motioninjoy works really funky some games the l2 and r2 dosent work, sometimes its one of the analog sticks, sometimes its fine
turning a legal execution into a public spectacle is barbaric. beheading is barbaric. just because you think America is barbaric, doesnt negate what is happening in saudia arabia as an abomination
As far as the Xbox One is concerned, I consider the purchase of any arcade stick an investment in the future. Killer Instinct doesn't do it for me, but we've got Mortal Kombat X right around the corner, Dead or Alive 5: Last Round in the works and Street Fighter V is... oh, nevermind that last one.
black lives matter is a disgusting and selfish and immature organization. Their demands are ludacris and offensive
Steampunk is defined by webster as the lamest stuff ever and i haaaaate history
i prefer the feel and look of a dualshock, but i like the convenience and no need to set up a 360 controller. i wish the dualshocks were as easily used on pc as a 360 pad. the 360 pad feels chunky to me