Pokahontas McGuigan

enjoy using only the first 150 pokemon too :P

if you really dont care then why are you commenting?

as a gay person, im disgusted by xbox bro fags, their only arguement as to why xbox is better than "that garbage playstation" is halo. use reason and logic!

In a Twitter conversation yesterday, Gaider clarified that the phrase "fully gay" was not meant as a comment on bisexuality.

i thought the ending was the funniest



i hate the person that spent 44k on an album

i felt that the only thing going for 12 was the combat system. it gave more control speed and customization. the story and characters were a snooze though. i think 13 would have been alot better if they used 12s battle system

Both of these legendaries seem different from the shiny new legendaries in the first image, right? Well, the changes aren't just some artistic flourish: the legendaries on the at the start of this post/on the cover of the remakes are actually different. They're actually called Primal Kyogre and Primal Groudon.

im guessing this change was recent since the E3 trailer showed the main player character to have dark features but look more white

its pretty meta the you have to hack the game about hacking to get the most out of the game

whats with the fish? his hand is already over his crotch... stupid

everything in the article is old info, and no it is not the "intro" to kh3 its their "starting point" whatever that means. this is a total KH3 bait and switch article and an excuse to write about KH3 when there is no valid reason to besides getting page views

she looks cool but kid icarus is super lame as a character and lame game

Watch the PDP company's new Xbox One Afterglow controller cycle through the rainbow. It's art! The PDP people say they're using a new peripheral lighting technique instead of having the glow emerge from the center of the controller. $24.99. Out early 2015.

Admittedly, though, I think Mudkip's mega looks too bulky—almost like he's related to the new Knuckles or something. :\

it looks sooo bad

every time i hear Kiefer Sutherland's voice come out of snake's mouth i die alot inside