It seems, though, that there will be a replacement. Yay for free services. I used to teach Tech, btw. :)
It seems, though, that there will be a replacement. Yay for free services. I used to teach Tech, btw. :)
Seriously? Frustrating? It's not like she's asking you to break it down by the minutes and hours you spend. Give it a break - I could understand the need for specifics if this was a scientific poll, but this is one of those questions one asks out of curiosity.
Umm, it's still cardboard. Much as I like Gehry's curvy cardboard chairs and such, the cost doesn't justify the material. It's like selling a paper dress for £1500. Sure, it's designed, but gee whiz... it's not like it's handmade cardboard from now extinct trees.
Really? "Hates"? "Unpatriotic"? While I think it's a sad way to make a buck on the backs of those defending the country, exaggeration like this is why America is so stuck in it's hyper-nationalism. You don't wear a flag pin, you must be unpatriotic. You don't agree with my being an obnoxious American, you must be…
Love how there is a niche for everything. Sad consumerism, but still...
When the person is not just nasty, but illogically so... how does one offer compassion? To give them rationality when there is none there is near to impossible.
To avoid scalding steam, I take it off the stove and set it under the faucet and run cold water into the pot for a minute or so. The water cools enough so that there isn't a lot of steam when you pour it. It also stops the last bits of pasta from sticking to the pot because of the remaining heat.
I use Tabs Mix Plus which has an option to open any bookmarks in new tabs. Never lost a tab yet. I keep my Calendar open as the first tab and never lose it even if I do a search or click a bookmark. Works great.
Do you use uTorrent's autoloading/autodeletion of the torrent files? I love that feature - the only downside is if you're doing a presentation and suddenly a porn torrent deletion notification pops up. (I have since disabled the notices from my work computer.)
I use Google Maps to make large maps along side Open Street Maps to create quick vectorized maps in Illustrator.
Surprisingly not complicated once you figure out anchor points. Get someone to explain that to you and it's cake afterwards. He who controls the anchor points controls the universe!
@fhenriquegs: There should be a shared database, similar to AdBlock's lists. Gah...
There's an easier way of doing that. Just put hands into the shoulders of the jacket, fold in half (like praying) and then flip one side over the other.
Swype is amazing. Take the time to sort out the options to make it suit you better. Like, I push the slider close to Never for the word window and add a bit more error tolerance.
@thomas.nagy: Pretty drawing.
@phoneboy101: Did you place the vinyl on a bit larger than the space you needed to cover? If so, you could easily just use a sharp razor to cut the edges without much hassle. That's how they do it when they install store displays and what not.
One could easily use frosted vinyl, as well. It's sold in large rolls at Home Depot or sign shops. Comes off by peeling. No razor needed since the adhesive is low tack.
I am so making this. Yes!!! I'm going to try it with cinnamon. Oh yeah...
Here's my hack. I submitted it to Lifehacker, so if they publish it, then others can see how it's done.
I actually have a working projector (I am a teacher) and am thinking about how to make it such that the light bounces from underneath onto the paper. That way, I don't need an extra light source.