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Thats almost as creepy as the hilarious bad lip reading video

“but I have spent my entire life fighting to defend the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.”

It’s hard out here for a pimple.

Counterpoint: She is a professional entertainer, and this entertained me.

You are being intentionally obtuse.

Please note—she does not owe you, me, or anyone anything.

I don’t know why, but imagining some giant monstrosity bellowing “I’M GOING TA TAKE A NAP, AND WHEN I GET UP, YOU ASSHOLES BETTER BE DEAD” is extremely amusing.

I starred this just before getting mildly offended on Cthulhu’s behalf, because Trump and Cruz are way more evil than an ancient giant who wants everyone dead when he wakes up (relatable, really). I would happily attend his political R’lyeh. SHUT UP. THAT IS A WORLD-CLASS PUN AND YOU KNOW IT.

I really think Tramps for Trump would have been a catchier name.

And that is their point. For most minority, as well as other, groups in this country it will change FAR worse under Trump than Clinton. Acting like you get to always be in love with your candidate shows naivete or inexperience

On this bleak, bleak day, with so much talk about gross politicians having sex, this is the purest, most beautiful thing I have ever seen.

Better a baby with a full head of hair than a baby with a full back of hair?

I dunno, Streeterville includes Northwestern U medical and law schools plus hospitals, several very nice hotels, much of the Magnificent Mile shopping district, and the Historic Tribune Tower. Not too shabby.

“I don’t want her to grow up in a world where she is made to feel less-than for embracing everything it means to be a woman.”

You think she actually wrote this? You really think she stands for anything besides mindless consumption and base hucksterism?

Girls participating in science experiments? THANKS, OBAMA.