
Would also note that I doubt the cameras had anything to do with it, they were on the camera man not Jeb. - was way late on that one.

Was thinking the same thing.

Just goes to show that all types of cigarettes are a hazard to your health.

I'm not engineer but I am assuming that the piece in which the air tank fits into could have been adapted to hold a gauge. In my line of thought, I can't count, but I also don't want to have to swing the gun around every time I want to check the gauge either. If I could advert my eyes down a little that would be way

I know right?!? If I'm going to spend good money on it, I going to take care of it. I would venture to say that the vast majority of people that own Beamers or Mercs wash and vacuum (be it themselves or paying someone to do it for them) their vehicles on a regular basis. But according to @CaptainJack, if you can

Wasn't trying to be, I guess I forgot to put the :) at the end of that. So here... :) and another for good measure :)

Right, but you are able to re-patch super easily! :)

Sorry, I'm not sure I follow you on the first paragraph... I think I may not have been completely clear on what I wrote. I wasn't trying to make any mentions of legality... just that WinSrvr has this as a built in feature.

I haven't read the EULA for any of the Windows OS's, but this is a built in feature of all the Windows Server OS's.

It's exactly what it does, I haven't checked to see if this is a newer version yet but I have used this for the past couple of years and it works like a charm. The one thing to watch out for is Windows updates, sometimes it will knock it out - so you just repatch it. I've only seen it on service pack installs though.

I second that, No real spam probably since switching from Hotmail to Gmail years ago.


It's hard being popular isn't it.

Was probably condensation. It appears to go away quickly because they FFWD the footage up to the time where they just about locate the device.

My filters are 100% accurate... in if it's not, it doesn't take 2 weeks for Google to learn it for me, just 2 seconds to adjust the filter and it works right away.

...and posted a comment.

Fredericksburg, VA - All is well here - 3G poppin' at 5 bars !!

If paan does that to steel, just imagine what it does to your mouth.

If there was a grammatical or spelling error, I could understand how the title could be improper. But I would would classify it as that if someone can interpret it as something else. All the confusion would have been avoided if they didn't capitalize each word... but then it would grammatically improper.

I agree, so if you have a good enough reason to pull it, you should pull all three.