
@tomcat1483: I was thinking the same thing. Can you imagine being in a pack of migrants and three of these things roll up on you!

@Pure87: With most of them, you have to use a tiny flathead to get in there and release the latch... but they make the ties that have finger releases - Those are awesome. Plus they make this nice things called velcro straps. Same concept, just with velcro.

@Dadjoe: if it doubled as a touch screen ipod...

@frink: Well, I guess it wasn't SD but MicroSD

@frink: It very well may, I've seen the Dongles that convert your SD to a USB...

@qbrad: I've always thought the same thing... I'm wondering how small a 2 port USB hub can be... one for the internal storage and the other for the "USB extension"

@Purple Dave: I didn't know you could insert a 32GB SD card into a USB slot?

@battra92: First reason, lets see you flex a piece of paper in the same fashion as the first photo... Second reason, no black backing... in this instance you are able to this as a gobo and bounce your light... as a snoot you would have light going through the paper as well rather than... well... "snooting" it.

@Jeff Goodman: "racial epithet ..." Since when is Redneck a race?

@Rontourage: This is exactly how I feel about alot of Apple products... nothing "revolutionary", and I can get the same product for a much smaller price.

@Sexy Hotdog: I can see plenty of business folk utilizing the bigger screen for easier productivity app utilization. Ever try editing a spreadsheet on a BB? even the Storms screen real estate isn't enough.

@meatbag_pussrocket: hehe, you make me laugh... why couldn't you sit far enough from the light to see it turn green, and when it turns green (since you are so cautious) roll up to the intersection and look both ways, when you are more than certain that it's clear and safe then proceed ?

@mdrake123: Yeah !!! And while we're at it lets kill all these "fucking" humans too! Have you seen what they have done to the environment?

@meatbag_pussrocket: I don't understand... is there a law that says you have to pull all the way up to the intersection (even if it obscures you view of traffic signals) ?

@jimbotronic: Most definitely! I set it up on mine because I have a 6 and 4 year old who play (mostly). It took them scratching up 1 disc beyond the point of recovery for me to fully implement this. They love it, and are able to navigate easily. Shoot, just having all the games in one location at your beckon call is

Better yet, install Homebrew on the Wii and you don't even have to get up to put the disc in.

Hooters uses a great solution for their beer pitchers. They put ice in a plastic bag, then that in the pitcher. No water dilution. 'course we never have a need for this, since the beer isn't in there long enough to get warm... but I have seen them do it.

@(Starman) 258, Brigadier-General of the FireWire Battalion: Not at the top right, but look in the reflection, and now look at his OXO tie.