Fickle Finger of Fate

Sorry, I’m pretty illiterate when it comes to this kind of terminology. Let me see if I can correct myself. Is a cinematic basically just an in-game movie scene? And is in-engine actually what you experience while you’re playing the game?

Great cinematics, but will the gameplay be as impressive? Also, that dog looked a little weird, right? Kinda robotic?

That would be really cool. Let’s hope the mechanics are as smooth as Destiny. I have a feeling it’ll be a bit clunkier than that. I’ve been playing Red Dead Redemption, and when my horse gets stuck at some invisible barrier, it rotates like it’s stuck on a merry-go-round pole. I haven’t played any more recent westerns

Clan Au Gratin: Baked and Melted

I imagine it’s because they want you to walk down a separate aisle and make a spontaneous purchase. If you could just get in, grab what you want, and get out, you would never buy the unnecessary bag of chips, dog food, or light bulbs.

I went to the local Winn Dixie a couple months ago to buy a pregnancy test for my wife. The cashier, some grandmotherly lady, just HAD to comment. And you know what she said? “Wouldn’t it be a miracle if you were pregnant?” I thought she was referring to my wife and me as a couple, but no, she was talking about me. I

Trust me, at least a few of us men noticed it. I’m 6'7", and his hovering made me so uncomfortable. I’m not sure if Hillary of what he was doing because she was dialed into the woman who posed the question. If she did notice and didn’t say anything, she missed a grand slam opportunity to call him out for being skeevy

Dear Fucking GOD. Where were late-term abortions when this mouth-breather could have been avoided? The “war on coal and relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry”? Oh, those poor, poor oil and gas companies.

Are the exotic weapon and armor kiosks in the tower going to be updated soon with Year 3 Collections?


Man, I’ve only had a chance to play the new content for a few hours this week. I’m nowhere near the light level needed to do the raid yet. I know some people jumped in the moment the DLC dropped and probably haven’t stopped playing since, but couldn’t Bungie wait maybe at least a week or two to release the raid? Give

There’s a medallion you have to scan as part of the year 3 g’horn quest, but it’s basically right at the start of the climb.

Firewatch looked kind of interesting when Kotaku did a story on it a few months ago. Anybody have any strong opinions? Is it worth it? What’s the replayability like?

That additional strike on the Dreadnaught was bogus. It only took a few minutes to complete. I hope we have more to look forward than that for the upcoming strikes.

This seems like the kind of advice I’d give to my daughter the month before she heads off to college, which, thankfully, won’t be for at least 16 more years.

It feels good when I mine the comments section for gold and actually find some. Well done.

Agreed. Black Knights is just terrible. Then again, I’m a Wild fan and that was a hard pill to swallow at first, too.

Do you think maybe they’ll figure out how to get Kinect to stay on? Probably not, but that would really be nice. Does anybody else have this problem?

If I change my gamertag, does that require updating it with my clan and game-specific websites like Bungie.com (for example) or should everything down the chain get automatically synced through Microsoft? In other words, is this going to be more of a pain in the ass than it’s worth?

Wasn’t there supposed to be a Gears of War game available in March for Xbox One? I thought I read that on Kotaku and have been checking for it but haven’t seen it.