
So it’s not about Trump?

an Opera spokesperson said that the VPN is a no-log service

No offense, but this seems really shady compared to other reputable options that are out there. Just google “Best VPN” and you’ll quickly find many options that have both free and inexpensive tiers of usage. Please remember that the entire point of VPN’ing your connection to hide data from ISP’s isn’t to route that

Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”

My list for Best Batman

I take melatonin when I’m on a bad sleep stretch and I ALWAYS have very vivid celebrity dreams. Last week I dreamt that Ron Swanson was building me a table. The dream was very detailed, we talked back and forth about specifications and went to the lumber store. I woke up tired, that dream was hard work.

It’s pretty staggering. If Trump had actually waited and tried to gain the proper support behind the scenes and, you know, actually practiced good negotiation tactics, it’s possible they could have eked out a victory. Instead, he looks like a complete and utter failure.

I’m not sure if I’m relieved or terrified that the Republicans running our government are so incompetent that their evil health care “replacement” died in 17 days.

I’ve heard the same thing about asbestos lawsuits! Poor, innocent corporations...

That sounds awful, but still not as bad as the anti-union propaganda I’m forced to watch as a manager. Did you know that unions exist to make as much money as possible off of their members while destroying innocent corporations?

We talked about it at my business school. It was noted we were on the third floor, making evac hard. I pointed out that the tables were heavy enough to barricade the door after locking it, since the AC is high in the building everyone was wearing a jacket, giving us more than enough moderately sturdy fabric for a

Can we keep an eye on him without having to look directly at him? I don’t want to punish my eyes.

talk of previous violent incidents, expression of paranoia, overreaction to workplace changes, unstable/emotional responses, feeling of arrogance/supremacy, intense anger/hostility, violations of policy, exploiting/blaming others

I read it as “we have a lot of things, a lot of Brexit, Devin Nunes had a press conference, 306, I got 306, Devin Nunes had a press conference, Devin Nunes had a press conference, I tweeted that, Devin Nunes had a press conference.”

reading this you can also map out Trump’s speech patterns

I read the whole (unredacted) interview. I know we all know this, but...I just can’t believe this clown is POTUS.

For me, there’s also a bit of guilt associated with vigilance. A few weeks ago a male friend grabbed my ass without my consent after saying a few inappropriate things to me. I know I’m going to feel bad when I come up with an excuse not to see him the next time he’s in town, that *I’m* going to feel like the heavy for

Exactly. Oppression is only real when it happens to you or someone who looks like you.

McIntosh looks...exactly like I’d expect from the son of a politician who supported Trump. Unnatural stance, creepy pose, and waaaaay older than his age.

The thing is if Mcintosh had been a “minority student,” then I doubt Rick Perry would have taken time out of his precious schedule to attack Brooks.