i owned you several times.. you are so admirably narrowsighted to the last word that you keep missing them. but again.. i can do this all day. can your ego? not so sure.
i owned you several times.. you are so admirably narrowsighted to the last word that you keep missing them. but again.. i can do this all day. can your ego? not so sure.
wow.. yer really still trying after being owned in the last post. lulz
oh dear.. i knew this would happen. this is all too much for you. aww. i’m sorry. well, here.. maybe this will help you little guy:
Obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, have certain thoughts repeatedly, or feel they need to perform certain routines repeatedly. People are unable to control either the thoughts or the activities. Common activities include hand washing,…
A troll is a supernatural being in Norse mythology and Scandinavian folklore. In origin, troll may have been a negative synonym for a jötunn (plural jötnar). In Old Norse sources, beings described as trolls dwell in isolated rocks, mountains, or caves, live together in small family units, and are rarely helpful to…
aaaaaaaaw still such efforts made. good for you little guy.
yet.. you keep responding and proving my earlier points. so thanks for doing the work for me lil guy. xo #FFneedsthelastwordatalltimes
c’mon. you’re not fooling anyone lil guy. your argument and your logic flaunts your limitations. it clealry took you a while. which is why i thought your skill set would be around the LoL level. playing against 9 year olds. its ok. thats just where you are in your life. don’t be ashamed okay? i’ll ease up you since…
so if i go kill animals “for charity”.. that’s my carte blache card (those fancy words means i can do what i want) to do whatever. i’m hitting on women who don’t want the atention BUT its for charity.. so its all good people. great logic lil guy. there’s well placed charty causes and media starved stunts.. try to…
no, you have no life. if you did.. you wouldn’t have taken so much time composing that reply. yer due to log back on to WoW, or LoL, or whatever you have a “life” with right. go on now.. active adults are talking here.. you should go.
you seem to not understand how the gawker media empire works my lil friend.. they cross-post all their stuff on all of their sites. so i didn’t need to go to a “gaming site”. i was on the regular internet.. sitting outside.. enjoy the breeze.. on a break from real living life. hope that helps you lil guy. :))
oh you mistook me for a person with no life living in front of a tv screen. yea, you’re mistake.
there are easier, quicker and more effective ways. #reinstatedouch
He is also using a version of real life, where you waste experiencing it for some video game. #ouch
*C’est* une tradition à nulle autre pareille. LOL (or MDR in france)
i could watch this over and over.. happy july 4th says overall. lol
re: kardashians