
belgium was not a tough team.. its better this way USA. argentina would have been brutal.

fail info.. but pls try again, perhaps with another mediocre meme..

you don't see canada because their gov't spend money ripping up their wilderness for oil pipelines and spend lil money on youth sport programs. so, yeah, that.

it hit the post.. so literally 'not completely'

to be fair, it was a ridiculously retarded dive by the german.

yup, all that suffering in the Ukraine is *nothing* compared to this outrage!!

canadians gave up on the lavigne/kruger mistake years ago.

the constant crashing after the update is worse than a waiting list. lots of app store reviewers agree. fail.

meanwhile in Crimea....

no, shep, read the full amazon page. they are only offering 15 bucks (correct my initial 20 buck comment) for any other ereader to trade in.. which i will repeat is bullshit.

$20 rebate for my old ereader? well, that's a great bullshit deal right there. nice try amazon. Craigslist it people!

(whats with the gawker network push for raspberry pi??)

that's a zombie? hahahahaha

"PIERS: Well you just weren't keeping my attention.

Now playing

hmmmm, seems the french already did this:


that fact that ocarina of time does not make this list is complete BS.

aaah, you have to do a liiiiitle more than just change the date. it doesn't slot load itself onto your iphone my the power of thought.

so basically you have to do the same amount of extra steps and work as jailbreaking to make this "work" on iOS7.. riiiight. no thanks. i'll just stick to my nintendo DS GBA emulator which plays better than a touch screen anyways.

i got a sun burn at vancouver.. lol