Selling her majority stake is one of the ways she might prepare to run for office (President, Senate, Beyonce’s running mate)
Selling her majority stake is one of the ways she might prepare to run for office (President, Senate, Beyonce’s running mate)
I admire the courage of Victoria Kuhne bringing Christmas back by dressing like a tree.
I thought the same but also thought pegging her dicklessness to electability was perhaps missing one glaring possibility
Are you coming to the Va Tech game? If so, can an I buy you a beer?
Considering other things I have read this has to clock in at $450K to $500K
The American b-2016 d-2017
Thanks, for pointing out truth to lessen the coarseness of our culture in even the tiniest of ways. The truth has to valued, even about people we hate.
Need to hear it roar before falling in love. Any audio of it?
I don’t disagree with you. I meant to refer when the change over occurred. It was quite disappointing at the time. I bought the new Asian model after years of the English version. It was made for wider feet and the workmanship was less robust. Alas my experience on modern athletic shoe is mostly theoretical
They really made a better shoe in England back in the day
Quality is higher but because of tech add on is more difficult to maintain car wide. Simpler cars seem higher quality but aren’t in the aggregate
pics or it didn’t happen
Will a LS1 engine swap fit?
Pricing is all over the board for the S2000. It is one of the great cars of the 00's and it seems that it is starting to get collectible status. Comparing this to a Miata is misguided, it’s so worth more than 2 Miata’s. It is more like a Porsche Boxster than a Miata. S2000's make great daily drivers as well (assuming…
When you add weak tea to Lemonade you get what every white boy wants to be : Arnold Palmer
wow, just when I think you can’t top the Hong Kong story this! What does your Opa think of your GoDevil jeep?
you spelled it wrong it’s spelled Dragin’
Good things that have happen since Trump was president:
it also doubles as paddle to dig your 4x4 out of the muck. I imagine David Tracy will have one in his yard somewhere