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    Being able to have evidence when (if) I have to contest a ticket is the main reason I got one for the wife’s car. If I like this camera I’ll be getting a second one for my car in the Summer.

    Nice!! That’ll come in handy.

    Happy to help!

    Now playing

    Trying not to make a passing on the right with an underpowered BRZ joke. Will power must remain strong...

    That said, a dash cam pretty much needs to be a on everyone’s list. The GPS ones are getting very reasonable now. Just got the wife this one:

    Food processor. Large chunks of something in a food processor.

    I worked as a “Financial Adviser” (I use the term loosely) for a year with one of those “multi-level managing” companies ::cough - pyramid scheme - cough::.

    It was astounding how little the average person knew about their personal finances, their monthly budget, and investment vehicles open to them. I legitimately

    If you tried this in Alberta you’d be slapped with an unsecured load ticket.

    My exact thought process this morning:

    I bought a car.... but the wife bought an Escape.

    Set of studded snow tires and I’d have a fantastic winter beater. The auto could even be seen as a plus during the commute. Nice price all day long.

    Damn. Can’t even use Thief against a trainer to steel their Pokemon either.

    POD uses Master Ball. 
    It’s super effective!

    I knew I was saving that ball for a reason.

    In Canada, Alcohol sales are outside of the main building. Anyone can walk up and buy with no hassle. Additionally, you can also pay your annual membership dues with Aeoplan miles (I believe it takes 6300 Aeroplan miles).

    As well, in both the US and in at least Alberta, gas at Costco is “Top Tier”. My local Costco

    Unsurprisingly, requires more maintenance than the 355.

    All well and good. Until then I can continue to make a farce of it.

    I guess the false equivalence argument, tittysprinkles, and whambulance weren’t tongue in cheek enough. Oh well, have to try harder next time.

    Thank you.

    Feet peeing might be an incentive for some.

    So it’s acctually worse. Praise the flying spaghetti monster I’m not actively involved in that gong show and get to observe from the sidelines.

    So when I’m following the spirit of the law and get a traffic safety violation, the judge tells me tough tittysprinkles; pay the fine on your way out.