Pocketful O'Kryptonite

Doesn't mean they didn't start at 3rd base.

Can she explain why it avoided the tradtional comedy adage of being funny?

Definitely a sample. If Bono was in the cut, there's no doubt he would have let you know by now.

in 2008 I was eager to tell anyone within earshot the similarities between 808s & Heartbreak and the 3rd Velvet Underground LP.


I'll give you that. I did actually LOL at the NY1 line last night. I've often thought about what terrible picture would be used on the local news if I did suddenly in a horrific public way (work ID probably?)

I don't rate things, but I do like to get the maximum value from HBO subscription and if I didn't watch the show, my opinion of its merits would be irrelevant.

Especially when you think about the actual effect GIRLS itself had on the gentrification of Greenpoint.

There's laughs on this show?

When you think about how it played out (conceived, written, cast, produced, edited, released) in about under a week during the show's timeline, does it still serve those purposes?

So are Ross and Rachel gonna end up together or what?

It's difficult to make a good film when it's conceived, written, cast, produced, edited and released in less than a week.

These guys have been dead to me ever since they changed the lyrics of "Guilty of being white" to "guilty of being right" so it isn't surprising to find they're sympathetic to a fascist, racist misogynist.

Ride or Die with these guys. People have always taken Tim & co. far more seriously over the years than they take themselves.

It's a call-back to her hit single "Cups"

She's had sex with Adam, Laird, Fran, Elijah, Patrick Wilson, Donald Glover, Jessa's Brother and she just coerced Ray into oral sex. In terms of the total number of similarly agedmale characters Hannah has interacted with on the show, that's a pretty high batting average.

Californication was never the subject of hundreds of thinkpieces saying it was a great/important show. Nor did it ever win a Peabody.

Except the character of Hannah keeps succeeding in spite of herself. She washes out as a writer, yet gets accepted to the Iowa Writers' Workshop. She washes out of the workshop, yet lands a teaching job at a prestigious private school despite having no experience. She behaves incredibly inappropriately yet doesn't get